Chapter 13

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(A/N- hey guys! Welcome back again! I am sorry for not posting for weeks but I just had school and it is finally got over now. Anyways, Music is above and chapter below so let's get rollin')

-Katsuki POV-

We finish up breakfast and then clean up after ourselves. Tape arms and dunce face will be staying with the league while me and Izuku will go to UA. Mist guy teleports us to an alley which was a little near to UA but still far as well. We both start to walk towards UA in silence until Izuku speaks up.

"Hey Kachaan, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

He stops walking and then turns to face me.

"Why exactly did you agree to join the league?"

I stop as well and give out a sigh.

"The thing is, I did not want to believe that it was all true but I knew it was. I always trust you Izuku, you were the only one who understood me and it felt nice to have my childhood friend back. You also used to be a fan of heroes to a point where All Might was your idol. But now, you seem to hate him so it must be that bad to turn a fan into a sudden hater. I also want to make up to you for all those years in middle school where I bullied you. I am sorry for all that I did to you but I know a sorry can't fix anything so the least I can do is be by your side from now on."

He pulls me in for a hug and I can't help but do the same. It almost feels like that if I let go of him, I would lose him again but this time, he is not coming back.

"Kachaan, I told you, I already forgave you for everything. It is not your fault so don't be too hard on yourself. You were too small to understand what was going on. And also, Thank you Kachaan. Thank you for staying by my side."

"Thank you Izuku."

We let go of each other and he reaches out a hand to me. I look at his hand and then at him, only to see him slowly smile at me. I accept the hand and then we both silently walk to UA. It was a very silent walk to UA but it was not at all awkward. I smile as I feel his hand in mine.

His hand feels so warm and comforting.

Almost makes me feel like I am invincible.

We reach UA and as we walk in through the gates, we see a black haired man and woman, the woman dressed in a blue top and black skirt while the man was dressed in a blue top and brown pants.

They look familiar for some fucking reason but I don't know why.

Where the hell have I seen them before?

Izuku looks at me and whispers something to me.

"Kachaan, the people you see there are Sero's parents."

So that explains why they looked so familiar.

I had seen the photo of Tape arms's family when he was busy trying to unload his stuff to his room.

The family photo had just come out of his bag and I think it was pinky who had questioned who it was.

We continue to walk and soon, they spot us and call us over to them. The woman looks at us and gives us a smile.

"Hello dears, do you know where the principal's office is?"

Izuku nods and gives them a smile.

"Yes I do. Also, just curious but are you Sero's parents?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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