Chapter 4

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(A/N- hey guys! I am back again with another chapter! I hope you are enjoying till now🥰 I am trying to manage this and my school and Tuition classes so I apologize if there are going to be delays in the further chapters. Also, this chapter is going to be long so enjoy! Music is above and chapter below so let's get the tape rollin')

-Katsuki POV-

I look around and notice that we had teleported to some kind of hallway. Izuku motions me to follow him and we both walk all the way to the end of the corridor, stopping right in front of the door at the end. Izuku opens the door and then walks in with me following him closely behind. The room looked kind of like a living room with a couch and a table on one side and a few other decorations here and there.

Izuku stops and I look ahead to see a fair man with pure white hair that had single lock of black hair, wearing a black suit.

He kind of looks like Izuku for some reason.

Have I seen this guy somewhere?

Izuku walks up to the man who greets him with a smile. Izuku turns around to face me and smiles.

"Kachaan, meet All for One a.k.a. Hisashi Midoriya or my dad."

"Wait, what!?"

No wonder they both have that uncanny similarities between each other except for their hair color.

So All for One basically is his own father?

Don't know how I am going to tell them that I have One for All which is intended to be used to defeat All for One himself.

Fuck this is messed up.


"Sorry I was thinking about something and zoned out."

"No problem Kachaan but there are some things we are going to tell you and it must not come out of this room, got it?"

I nod at them and then All for One or Izuku's dad or Uncle Hisashi, comes towards me.

"Katsuki, I believe Izuku must have filled you on what he has found out about the heroes?"

"Yeah he did."

"Well then Katsuki, follow me and we are going to have a talk as we sit. Izuku?"

Izuku nods and then smiles.

"Alright dad, I might as well go check on the others."

He leaves, closing the door behind him as me and Mr. Midoriya sit down on the couch.

I wonder what he is going to talk about.

Don't know why do I feel so nervous about this.

"Katsuki, I have a few questions to ask you and I would like you to answer them honestly alright?"

I nod my head as I prepare myself for what is coming for me, but let me tell you, I was not at all prepared for this question, especially from Uncle Hisashi himself.

"What exactly happened the day after Izuku's birthday?"

I try to say something but no words come out. He looks at me as he patiently waits for an answer while my thoughts run around the place.

How did he know about that?

I never ever told anyone so how did he know?

I look at him and he gives me a small smile.

"I think you are wondering how I know about that. Let's just say that I have my ways but now, will you tell me what all she has been forcing you to do?"

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