Chapter 7

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(A/N- hey guys! I am back again with another chapter! Music is above and chapter below so let's get rollin')

-Katsuki POV-

The old hag looks at Izuku I'm surprise and shock before rushing over to him and giving him a hug.

"Izuku! I thought you died! How!?"

She lets go of him and we sit down in the living room while Izuku explains everything. I just sit there and wait for them to finish since I was already told everything.

The old hag takes a deep breath as she processes everything before she speaks.

"So you're telling me that Inko used to abuse you and forced Katsuki to bully you? And then you faked your suicide and started to live with your father? And your father is a villain?"

"Yes, yes and yes. Also, I apologize for worrying you a lot about Katsuki since it was my idea. I just needed a way to talk through Katsuki about everything in peace and without much disturbance."

"It's fine Izuku dear. At least Katsuki is back safely."

He smiles and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

Fuck, his smile is so beautiful.

I wish I could just hold him in my arms.

Sadly, that is never going to fucking happen.

Besides, it's not like he is going to fall in love with his own bully.

That is never going to fucking happen.

"Now, do you boys want dinner?"

"Yes please Auntie."

We get up and go to the dinner table where dad joins us as well. Once more everything is explained to him by Izuku and dad nods,understanding the situation.

"Izuku, We all are with you in this, no matter what. If possible, we would like to meet your father as well."

He nods and gives us a grin.

"Thanks uncle Masaru and yes, I can do that."

He nods and soon, we are talking as we all catch up with each other and also filling them all in on the plan. They listen to the plan and agree to help. The dinner gets over and we clear up the table, washing the dishes and then placing them in the dishwasher. The old hag looks at us and smiles.

"Izuku, would you like to stay over for the night?"

"Sure, let me just call my dad and let him know."

"Alright dear."

He takes out his phone to call his dad while I head upstairs and wait for him. I drop my bag on the floor and then get into the bathroom to take a shower. I finish up and that's when I realize something.

I forgot to take my clothes.

Fuck, how did I forget that?

And this is what fucking happens when I am thinking too much about that nerd.

I grab my towel and wrap it around the lower part of my body before stepping out of the bathroom, only to be met with green eyes staring back at me.

-Izuku POV-

I had called my dad and he was completely fine with me staying over for the night with Kachaan. Once I let Auntie know that I got the permission, I went upstairs to Kachaan's bedroom. I open the door and look around, noting that Kachaan was not inside.

I think he is showering.

Gosh, it has been long since I have been here.

Not like it looks much different.

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