Chapter 9

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(A/N- hey guys! Welcome back again to another chapter! First of all, do checkout my nine friends profiles who are there in wattpad. Their works are amazing so please do follow them! Here are their profiles so do check them out! birdorbirb ,MaeWeAllLuvBkDk , Jayda1503 , Chickennuggey5682 , XxparallelworldxX , Notavailabern  , sosaikk , dazaray1228 , Fifsfoe  You guys better follow them or else☺️🔪🩸 and while you're at it, leave a follow for me as well😉 Anyways, Music is above and chapter below so let's get rollin')

-Few days later-

-Izuku POV-

"Yay! We all are going to be together!"

I internally sigh as Mina yells in excitement, as I try to control myself from taping her mouth.

Really, they are nice but a bit too nosy for my liking.

They just don't know how to mind their own business.

That could lead them to trouble in the future though.

"Hey Nerd, we are in the same floor aren't we?"

"Yeah, we are."

We both walk away from the others as we continue to talk.

"How was Uncle Hisashi after receiving that call from Aizawa?"

Oh right, he does not know.

I forgot about that.

"Well, Aizawa called him when he happened to be at home itself so it was fine. Funny though since he happened to be cooking and somehow, the spoon went flying upwards when the phone rang."

"How the fuck did that even happen?"

I laugh at the look of confusion in his face and give him a grin.

"Well, the phone was on top of the microwave and the spoon was on the counter, just beside the microwave. Since the phone was at the edge of the microwave, when the phone rang, it vibrated so hard that it fell down right on the spoon, making it fly and going right into the pan which my dad was cooking in."

I break out laughing and he joins me as well. We hold our stomachs as we fall to the ground laughing and he tries to control his laugh as he asks a question.

"What was your dad's reaction?"

I try to recover from my laughter as I answer his question.

"Well, when he saw the spoon fly and go right into the pan which he was cooking in, he was like, ' well, at least I got my spoon.' And then he started using that spoon itself. Funny thing is, that was the spoon he was using earlier and he had forgotten where he had kept it. He did not notice it until that happened."

We both laugh again and stop in surprise when we hear a gasp behind us. We both turn around and notice the rest of the 'bakusquad' looking at us in surprise.

"What the fuck are you extras looking at?"

Mina moves her hand everywhere as she tries to get the words out but nothing comes. We both look at her in confusion and finally she speaks.

"How the hell did you make Bakubabe laugh like that? He barely smiles for us yet for you he literally laughed! How? Tell us your secret!"

I mentally facepalm myself, completely sure that Kachaan has the same thing going on his head.

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