Part 1 : Mansion Chaos

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*Steps in the middle of all of them* "SHUT UP!!!" *Demonic voice & stare of death. Taking a deep breath* Lunar is knocked out, lets let her sleep. *Looks at Macaque* Please take her to the south wing of the manor, while me & the others explain what happened. *takes a deep breath sighing, then points at B* Mom please show Macaque the south wing. *Points at Mac* Mac get the medkit ready for Mom and Macaque when they get there. *Mac nods teleporting away* *B nods walking over to Lunar* *Turns to Mk and the others* "You guys are late again when we're dealing with a possessed Lunar, you're dead meat!" *Looks mainly at Sun Wukong* "So please make sure you don't leave us for dead meat again, understood?" *Lex said annoyed, crossing her arms over together.* *Meanwhile Flame was eating a peach not paying attention to mei, who was ignoring Mei trying to kill him.*

*Macaque picks up lunar and follows B to the south wing carrying her* "main reason we are late is cuz somebody got us lost in the forest" *mei says before hitting MK in the back of the head* "i was trying to sense your guys energy to but all i could sense was the lady bone demon everywhere like she was using her energy to mask you guys" *wukong says rubbing the back of his head*

*Gives Wukong a death glare* *Flame laughs* "And you're supposed to be the great sage equal to heaven!!!" *Looks at Wukong red eyed* "How pathetic!! *Gives flame "Dude chill" look* "You even killed your so-called 'best friend'." *Air quotes best friend* "Now you can't even protect the people you care about!!!" *Laughs* *Lex smacks Flame at the back of the head.* "Shut up jackass!!! You're being worse than him right now, so don't talk, the talk, when you can't walk the walk." *Lex said, pissed*

*mei smirks a bit before sticking her tongue out a bit at flame* "can we finally be told what happened now please" *MK says rubbing the back of his neck as he feels the tension in the room* "agreed" *wukong adds*

"So basically the Lady Bone Demon tried controlling Lunar but failed, and Lunar was kicking our asses, and she wasn't attacking me much.Just the others..." *Sighs* "I was acting like a 5 year old so I really wasn't paying attention..." *Looks down* "Flame please do the rest" *Nods* Yeah like she said, though she had a goddess's child's mark...which means her mothers a goddess.Though I don't know.Lex knows...just doesn't want to say... I think we should head to the manor anyway Lunar might need our help." *Makes a portal to the mansion while flame was talking* "Plus I don't explain stuff well either so talk to Macaque when we get there." *walks through the portal with Lex*

*with macaque, and B*

*macaque was following B while carrying lunar, he was looking at the moon shaped birthmark on her neck which he only ever saw once cuz her hair normally covered it* "What the hell are you lunar...? *he thinks to himself since he never knew she was capable of all that stuff she was doing even though they've known each other for so long*

*Looks at a picture of Lex when she was six* How long did you knew Lunar for anyway? I knew Lex since she was 6...Though I know Lunar has her own problems just like Lex...Though I do know Lunar has secrets she has the right to keep, so don't be offended when she doesn't say anything.Ok hun?" *B says, showing him & Lunar's part of the mansion* And now this is your side of the mansion, so please feel free to do whatever you want to it." *Smiles*

*Macaque nods* "I've pretty much have known lunar for a pretty long time since first met when me and wukong saw her in the forest running with some wolves" *macaque said as he remembers the day* "this was back when me and wukong were still friends though of course" * he says as his expression darkens a bit*

*Mac comes running with the medkit* Here you go B, would you like anything else?" *Bows* *Smiles* Not right now hun, just keep an eye out for lex and the others, ok?" *Mac disappears* Now let's get Lunar fixed up.Now macaque please get some hot water while i start ok?" *Starts treating Lunar's head wounds*

*her birthmark flashes red a little bit before flashing purple for a quick moment while she was still unconscious* *Macaque goes to get hot water like B said*

*Puts her hand on Lunar's mark casting a spell to help Lunar sleep more peacefully* That should help, hun how much trouble are you and Lex going to get into with the gods? I wonder..."*B said, whispering to herself.* Macaque, where are you?" *B calls*

*while coming back with hot water macaque's six ears twitch as he hears lex and the others coming through a portal* "sounds like their back" *he says as he sets the water down for B*

*walks in with flame by the ear yelping* "Mom!!!Flame was being a jackass!!What should we do?"*Flame groans in pain*"Let go you fucking bitch!!!"*Tries clawing her**Dodges* "Fuck off!!You were trying to pick a fight with wukong!!!""Of course I would!!!He hurt Mac!!!I wouldn't let that slide!!!"

*macaque kinda chuckles as he watches lex handle flame* "looks like somebody ain't as tough as he seems" *he says smirking"

*Lex and Flame continue to bicker while B can be clearly seen agitated*"Shut the hell up you goddamn children!!!" *Looks sad, looks to the ground.*"Sorry mom...""Don't tell me what to do you fucking b-"*Before he could finish his sentence*"No you shut up right now before mk, and mei come in here.Lunar could kick your damn ass right now if she knew what you were doing."*Death glares Flame.*

*before flame could say anything else he gets a small beam of moonlight flashed in his eyes by her once she wakes up sitting up next to B rubbing her head* "say another word i'll make sure the beam actually burns you next, and don't think i wasn't able to hear what you were saying when i was possessed ya perv jackass" *she says glaring at flame*

*Lex jumps on her hugging her to death* Thank the heavens you're safe!!!I'm so sorry I shot you!!!*cries a little.**Mouths to Lunar sorry for Lex hugging her to death*

"Heh it's all good kid besides my wolf healing factor helps so trust me i'm use to worse" *she says patting lex's head before giving flame another glare making it clear she was not letting him off easy since she knew what he was saying when she was fighting him while possessed* *macaque just chuckles knowing flame was in for it, while he leaned back against a wall with his arms crossed*

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