Train Lunar

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"Imma head to DW's place cya luna, cya shadow" *she waves as she heads off to DW's place*

*DW was laying on his desk in his main office brain dead from work* "Why work...."

*as she walked she was humming devil's lullaby, once she got to DW's place she knocked on the door*

*DW yelled* "Open Void! You better have my coffee!"

*she teleports* "not void old man, try again" *she says with a slight chuckle as she stands there leaning against the wall next to the door with her arms crossed still quietly humming devil's lullaby*

*Raises an eyebrow* "Nice to see you again, what's it you need, child?"

*she goes over to him* "need some help with something that's been a problem of mine for a while" *she crosses her arms again*

*Stands up* "Oh, really? I'll Help if you need me too." *Looks down at Lunar*

*she takes a breath* "this is gonna hurt a bit but i need to show him how badly i can't completely control my shadow abilities so, here goes nothing" *Lunar thinks to herself before using her shadow powers just a bit causing one of her arms to turn black a bit to her elbow as her fingers turn into sharp claws and the white part of one of her eyes turns completely black, she grunts in pain a bit as she holds her black arm*

*dw looks at her before going to the bookshelf and pulls out a book and walks back* "Here you'll need to study this and then come back after the blue moon's harvest at midnight that night.And then we'll start your training.Kay?"

*lunar nods before using her normal hand to shine some moonlight on her black arm making it turn back to normal as her eye turns back to normal as well, she then takes the book as she sighs in relief from the pain in her arm*

*Dw waves his hand over Lunar's arm and heals it a little* "There that should help a little when you use that power though it'll still hurt for now till you use it more, so be careful."*Dw says as he tosses another book at Lunar* "This should also help, it's a book about Lunar Healling"

*she catches the book* "thanks old man" *lunar says smirking a bit*

*Glares at Lunar* "You are not allowed to call me that in front of others, understood?"

*she just jokingly salutes* "yes sir" *she chuckles*

*inhales some air* "Why?Just why? You're your own breed of weird."

"Yeah but c'mon, being normal is overrated that's why there's people like us in the world with powers to make things more interesting" *she says chuckling*

*Inhales more air as he throws himself out the window* "I'm done!"

"Love ya to old man" *she yells laughing as she gets ready to teleport to go find lex and the others*

*DW comes flying in through the wall breaking it into a DW hole shaped* "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOUNG LADY!?"

*she just laughs* "CYA!" *she teleports off*

*Dw inhales more air then yells* "WE AREN'T HAVING A DAUGHTER FATHER SKIT HERE!!! I WON'T LET IT BE A THING!!!" *DW yells as Lunar got away. Void saw everything and just walks out sipping on DW's coffee*

*with lunar now she was at the club lex was at*

*A masked singer could be seen singing and dancing wearing a fox mask (it was lex singing

Eng version )*

*she sees and goes to sit at a table to wait for her to be done knowing it was her< as she did so she started looking through one of the books DW gave her for a bit*

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