Demon bone trouble

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*Lunar chuckles before her wolf ears twitch hearing something in the woods again, she whistles making all her wolves stand by ready to attack if need be* *macaques six ears twitch as he hears the same as lunar whistling to get everyone's attention that something was up*

*Stops laughing* "Lunar is everything ok?" *Lex said, confused.

*lunar stays quiet before floating up high into the air to get a vantage point but then she gets attacked by something before blocking the blast that came flying at her* *some laughter can be heard but it was hard to tell from where*

*Lex's fox ears go down to their head* "I...I....It's the Lady bone demon!!!"*Lex yelled running to Lunar, grabbing Lunar's arm*

*lunar takes a second sensing who it was before growling* "nope but it is someone who follows her" *lunar growls as the Mayor comes out of the woods chuckling*

*Throws her scythe at him, on instinct* "Hell no bitch!!!Away, away with you!!!"*Lex said growling*

*lunars ears perk up again as she senses something else before quickly grabbing lex throwing her up in the air before quickly blocking a big bone creatures fist standing there with her arms up blocking it* *macaque teleported catching lex and teleporting back to B setting her down*

*B grabs Lex in a tight hug*"lex thank the gods!!!" "Mom let me go!!!I need to help Lunar!"*Lex said,pulling away from her mother.About to run and help Lunar*

"The hell even is that thing" *macaque said growling* *the mayor chuckled before giving some sort of signal* *lunars ears perk up again as she manages to knock the creature back just barely before taking a step back* "everyone inside now..." *lunar says as a bunch of blue eyes start to glow in the woods surrounding the manor* *it was more big bone creatures*

*Flame and Mac starts grabbing Mk crews and makes a run for the manor* "What the fuck are those things!?""Like hell would I know!!?"*Mac says running with Mei,Tang and Piggsy in his arms**B throws Sandy to the porch* "Everyone in before I set up the fucking barrier!!!"*B yells running inside**Lex grabs Lunar's arm and teleports in front of the porch* "Are those son of a bitches made out of bones!!!Or is it just me!?"*Pulls Lunar inside*

"Well looks like LBD's got some new puppets" *lunar says before helping macaque in when he got close*

*B waves her hand in front of her and a barrier starts pulling up out of the ground*"That should do it, until that damn bitch gets bored!"*B says sighing in annoyance*"I'll go get some food ready, so everyone can calm down with some food, see ya!"*Waves goodbye, and walks to the kitchen*

*lunar goes over to one of the creatures that was banging on the barrier her eyes flashing red as she tries to understand what these things were* "the mayor might get bored but they won't, I'm sensing complete LBD energy on them and they seem like they don't have minds of their own" "so they ain't gonna stop till they do what LBD or the mayor told them to do?" *macaque says raising an eyebrow* "yup" *lunar says before backing up away from B's barrier*

*A blacked haired, red eyed version of lex is leaning on Mac's shoulder* "Well aren't you guys fucked..."*The girl whistles*

"And who's this one now?" *lunar says crossing her arms*

"Luna, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Lunar!"*Bows, with her left hand on her chest*

*lunar goes to say something before getting interrupted by more of the bone creatures banging on B's barrier* "urgh we are sitting ducks here" *lunar says with a slight growl*

"Of course you guys are I'm not though~"*Luna says, giggling*"Though I could help you guys since you helped my sister~"*Luna said, hopping into a shadow portal*"Luna!!WHY ARE YOU FUCKING HERE!?!?"*B said shocked*

*lunar gets a look on her face like she was gonna do something and macaque notices* "lunar i know that look" *macaque says getting a worried look on his face*

*Appears behind B* "Uh~~~Did you miss me mommy dearest?"*Luna said, taunting B**Tries attacking her*"Fuck off!!!" *Luna dodged knocking her to the ground unconscious using shadow energy*"That's what you get bitch*

*lunar and macaque weren't paying attention to what was happening as he was trying to keep her from doing what he knew she was going to do* "lunar stay" *macaque says not wanting her to get hurt* *lunar smiles as she sees the sun going down* "Now or never ay, macaque?" *she says quoting him before teleporting outside the barrier since she could use the moon to teleport outside*

*Luna chuckles following Lunar, teleporting Lex to her.Summoning her red blood scythe*"Hey sis long time no see?Anyway, time to kill some pests!"*Charges at the bone demons**Lex smiles doing the same as Luna* "Hell ya bitches!"*Charging after Lunar*

*Lunars eyes and moon shaped birthmark glow red as she makes moon daggers appear flying around her and running at the bone demons* *macaque was hitting the barrier wanting to help but can't since B was knocked out*

*Smiles* "Hey Lunar, Lex! I have a plane, you have to trust me!" *Teleports to them throwing them in the air*"YA Hoo!"*Lex yelled Laughing falling towards the demon pests, summoning her gun and fires at them*

*lunar howls loudly making her daggers turn into swords and fly down at the bone demons before she fell down slamming her fists hard on the ground making it shake*

*Lex continues to shoot the demons letting Luna slice through them like cake.Laughing all the way like a maniac*

*with the others while they were watching from in the barrier still* "someone get B up so we can help" *macaque says watching the fight still*

"Sorry man, we can't just wake her up.WE WOULD HAVE TO KILL HER FIRST!!"*Flame said, laughing**Mac sighs*"We would actually she can't wake up because Luna knocked her out.Plus she made out of bones..."

*wukong teleports in front of the barrier* "sup guys" *he says eating a peach*

*Lex just throws a demon at Wukong shooting it, while Luna used Lunar as a springboard to slice through a demon behind Lex laughing*

"The hell did I miss??" *wukong says looking at the others behind the barrier*

*The demon Lex threw smacks him in the back while Lex,Luna, and Lunar still fight. Meanly with Luna encouraging Lex to go psycho*

*lunar gets thrown into the air by a demon before her eyes glow purple and the tips of her wolf ears and tail turn purple as her moon shaped birthmark glows purple and she starts singing in an echoed voice of hers and her mothers combined as everything starts to float*

"No why!"*Luna said, starting to fade out of the world of the living**Lex smiles yells*"Go Lunar!!!"*Shooting at more demons*

*as her and her mother sang the demons started to get all the energy from LBD drained from them* *the mayor who had been watching the fight teleports away once he sees the demons starting to fall*

*Lex runs up to Lunar hugging her, not knowing Luna was gone* "Way to go Lunar!... Wait where the hell did Luna go???*Lex said looking around for luna*

*before giving lunar full control again she takes a bow before making the remains of the demons vanish then giving lunar back control as she stops singing* *lunar's eyes and birthmark stop glowing purple and turn back to red and the tips of her wolf ears and tail turn back from purple to fully red*

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