Part 2 : The Mansion chaos.

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"I just fuck myself over didn't I?"*Flame said to Lex who just nods a yes to him*"Yes you did stupid."*Lex said, giggling*"Flame, may I suggest you start running when Mk and his friends get here?"*B said, laughing.*

*when lunar gets up to move she winces a bit as her moon shaped birthmark on her neck flashes red again making her place a hand on it gently rubbing it* ow? What the fuck is up with my birthmark? *she says since she didn't know about the whole goddess thing which is why she never said anything*

*B and Lex yelled in unison* YOU DON'T KNOW!?*Lex said, shaking Lunar*One of your parents is a fucking god!!"*Lex said, jumping up and down*"Listen to me closely Lunar, your mom is a bitch.Don't trust her under any circumstance!!"*B said, looking Lunar in the eyes*

*Lunar just looked confused as hell before her face darkened a bit as she remembers what happened to her family* "not exactly like i'd be able to anyways..." *she says making macaque's expression darken to as he remembers when LBD was using hallucinations of her family to trick possess her* *macaque just looks at the ground quiet as he stands there with his back to the wall and his arms crossed*

*Sighs* "Lunar sorry for what happened to the LBD possession, but you need to tell me what happened to your family.So your bitch of a mother doesn't try that trick on you."*Lex gives a glare to her mother* "Mom!!!That's Lunar right to say or not, don't be a jackass!!!" *Flame grabs B by the collar* "B back off!!!She's not this world bitch goddess!!!So sit down!!"*Tosses her into a chair.*"Lunar!! I'm so sorry for what my mom just did!! Please forgive her!!! *Lex said, bowing*

*macaque goes over and pats lunar on the back* i'm sure your family is watching over you *he says giving a slightly soft smile before pulling his hand back realizing how he was acting soft* "t-that's what i'd assume at least" *he says as he looks away clearing his throat*

*Smiles evilly.And pushes Macaque into kissing lunar, and makes a run for it laughing all the way.Running passed Mk's crew.*"I did it!!!!*Flame bursts out laughing, running out the back window.*"Have fun with that Mac!!!"

*macaques face turned red as he stopped himself before kissing lunar and growls a bit before teleporting catching lex and teleporting her back dropping her on B and teleports doing the same with flame* "I swear I will beat the both of you!!" *he says as his six ears twitch a bit*

*Lex moves away from Flame falling* "We all know you have a thing for Lunar, don't be shy!!!Plus she ain't denying that she might have liked it!!""Stop digging our graves man!!!" *Lex said, hiding behind her mom.Whos knocked out from shock dumb.*

*she doesn't say anything as her birthmark was flashing red and her breathing was a bit slow and weakened, but not from what happened, and after a moment her birthmark starts flashing purple as her eyes glow red and purple and she starts singing in an echoed voice of hers and what sounds like a woman as she was standing there* (picture her singing devil's lullaby)

"Uh Lunar...Please stop."*Lex said, feeling like she knows this song* "Please...You do have a great voice though."*B wakes up from shocked dumb* Lunar what are you doing, and where the hell is Mk's crew at!?" *B said, yelling*"Does it look like I know!?"*Flame said, getting pissed**Mac comes out of Flames shadow pulling him back*"Guys I don't like this..."

*MK and the others walk in since they had just been waiting outside the room the whole time*

*she still sang as a slight figure appears next to her standing the same way as her singing* "Uh why is this happening again?!" *MK says which hints that this has happened before*

"This happened before when!?Tell me right now!!"*Lex said, turning into her LunarMoon precure form*"I might be able to teleport us to where that bitch is!"

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