Macaque and Lunar's Ship Finally Sailed

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*Lex smiles thinking of a diabolical plane, pushing Macaque closer to Lunar so Lunar would get hugged by Macaque, smirking as she does*

*the both of their faces turn a bit red before macaque clears his throat* "so person you care about in the world huh?" *he says remembering her saying that when she was yelling at wukong* *lunar's face just turns red from the fact that he heard that*

*Lex jumps up and down* Yes the ship has sailed!!!*Mac looks away flustered by what he seeing*

*lunar just glares at lex about to go over to her* "i swear to god you little shit" *macaque just holds her by the waist resting his head on hers making her face turn more red* "relax pup" *he says smirking* "DAMN IT I THOUGHT YOU FORGOT THAT NICKNAME" *lunar yells as her face was now as red as a strawberry* *piggsy and tang just laugh*

*Mac just leaves going through Lex shadow going to tell the other that Lunar and Macaque started dating**Lex starts taking pictures of them and then makes a run for it yelling* First day dating pics captured!

"I'm going to kill lex i swear" *lunar says as her wolf tail waves around a bit, still not able to move because of macaque holding her by the waist* "hmmmm...i don't think so" *macaque says smirking as he still had his head on hers, he then teleports all of them back to the manor*

Rose: Hey Lunar you two started dating congrats!*Rose said seeing them intertwined still**Flame starts laughing* Lex's ship finally sailed!!!! I thought it would be when Macaque would sleep with her drunk!

*lunar just looks up at macaque* "what? Not my fault i go overboard on the drinks sometimes" *macaque says shrugging as he still held her by the waist* *tang and piggsy just go to sit on the couch*

*Lex grins jumping up and down* Children I want children by the end of the year you hear me!Macaque!I demand that much!*Lex makes a run from Lunar knowing she fucked up*

*lunar teleports catching lex easily and throwing her* "i swear to fucking god!" *the others just chuckle*

"AAAAA"*Lex crashes through a window screaming**B gets up pointing at Lunar*"Don't destroy the windows!"

*lunar just rolls her eyes before making the window get fixed and she teleports to lex then teleports her back inside this time throwing her to the couch*

*When Lex hits the couch her weight makes the couch flip to its back sending everyone on it flying**Gives Lunar a thumbs up*"Thank you!"

*her and macaque laugh at everyone on the couch getting sent flying*

*B gives Lex a death glare*Oh lex~~~I place something in your room please go and get it, it will have a note with it~"*B said making sure Lex left for her room in fear*

*the others help fix the couch before sitting back where they were*

*her and macaque just sit on the couch cuddling a bit*

*Takes a deep breath in*"Everyone I have something to say so listen!

*everyone looks at B curious*

"Lunar knows what I'm about to say.....I'm sending Lex and anyone who is close of age to her to school as well.So everyone tell me your age and I'm putting you in school."*B gives everyone a death glare*

*everyone stays quiet mostly cuz none of them need school anymore*

"I am 18 but that's what i turned last year" (since i play lunar as a year older then me so the current year she will turn 19 when i turn 18 meaning she's technically not having to go to school anymore)

*B sighs*"Good so I don't need to send anyone but Void and Lex to school..."

*lunar just sits in macaque's lap on the couch cuddling a bit* *mei, MK, and sandy play fight a bit* *piggsy and tang just talk while sitting on the couch*

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