Job Hunting

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Alistor: *rolls his eyes at Charlie then makes eye-contact with Husk* "your ex is back in town." *he then dissappears*

*Husk slowly begins to feel less tired and Angel hugs him from behind*

Husk: *looks at Angel surprised* "Huh?"

Angel: *kisses his cheek* "I just wanted to comfort you. If your ex is in town that can't be good right?"

Husk: *shrugs* "depends on who the ex he's referring about is...."

Charlie: *smiling wide seeing Angel hug/try to comfort Husk* "oh my God!"

Vaggie: *sighs* "we don't ever have people come in anyway so if you want time off for the rest of the week feel free. Me and Charlie will make plans for next week so we can go back to the point of this hotel" *drags Charlie away as she's still fangirling over Husk and Angel being together*

Angel: *kisses Husks neck causing Husk to let out a huge breathe before Angel whispers into Husks ear* "should I be worried about your exes?"

Husk: *shrugs* "I won't leave you for any of them if that's your worry"

Angel: *shakes his head* "I mean worry for what Alistor said about you going into a downward spiral?"

Husk: *kisses Angels cheek and chuckles* "I'm always on a downwards spiral" *he chuckles to himself as he grabs some booze and turns back to face Angel* "might as well go job hunting for you then~"

Angel: *looking concerned but doesn't want to make it awkward* "sure..."

Husk: *smiles nad goes back infront of Angel so he can go back to hugging him* "then take a shower your filthy"

Angel: *chuckles and hugs Husk from behind again* "dang that's the second time you've said that to me today"

Husk: *raises and eyebrow* "when was the first?"

Angel: *laughs uncontrollably* "oh my God babe do you not remember what you do when you go all.... Catlike?"

Husk: *just stares at Angel and shrugs* "I don't know"

Angel: *laughs muffling it into the back of Husks head* "oh my God Kitty~"

Husk: *tries to pull away from the hug but can't* "y'know I don't appreciate you not elaborating or telling me what I do when my mind is all..... I don't know.... Following instinct?"

Angel: *kisses husk* "aww are you reverting to instincts cause you love me~"

Husk: *groans and chuckles* "god just take a shower dumbass"

Angel: *whispers in Husks ear* "you can help me clean my 'dumbass' in the shower~"

Husk: *shivers slightly considering the offer but shakes his head* "I think I'm just gonna make a plan on where you can work"

Angel: *fake pouts* "you sure~?"

Husk: *kisses Angel* "unfortunately yes"

Angel kisses Husk back before heading off to his room to go and have a shower. Husk waits by the entrance to the hotel.

An hour later Angel walks up behind Husk who's leaned against the wall with his eyes closed and ears down. Angel is wearing a hot pink bandage dress with black 10 inch heels and one of Husks black jackets.

Husk: *opens his eyes and looks Angel up and down unsubtly* "woah~"

Angel: *giggles* "bet someone is regretting not taking my shower offer~" *does a little twirl to show off the outfit* "hope you don't mind me borrowing one of your jackets"

Husk: *chuckles and stumbles over his words* "i~.... Well~....." *goes really red and looks away to try and calm down* "You can wear any of my clothes if it helps make your already hot outfit even better~"

Angel: *kisses Husk* "good to hear I'm hot"

Husk: *chuckles and covers his face* "shut up~ you already knew that"

Angel: *chuckles and pulls Husk close* "yea but I just loved hearing you say it" *licks Husks cheek causing Husk to shiver* "oooo~"

Husk: *puts his hand over where Angel licked* "don't even...."

Angel: *smirks and licks Husk again causing him to shiver again* "that's good to know~"

Husk: *very red* "I hate you"

Angel: *giggles* "love you too~ boo~"

Husk: *rolls his eyes and holds Angels hand and drags Angel as he starts to walk* "let's just find you a job..."

Angel chuckles and let's Husk drag him. Husk drags him to a few places but they all refuse to let Angel work there.

They both eventually take a break in job hunting at a random bar. They both sit down exhausted.

Angel: *sighs* "how the fuck am I supposed to get these complicated jobs"

Husk: *puts his head on the table* "how the fuck don't you know how to do basic shit? These jobs aren't complicated you just don't have basic ability for it"

Angel: *shrugs* "well I do like to see you working hard to find me a place to work" *starts to scratch Husks head*

Husk: *purrs and leans his head towards the scratching and rests it on Angels shoulder* "can you not do this in public? Especially when people at the hotel are around?"

Angel: *nods* "don't worry what are the chances someone who knows us are here?"

Suddenly on the bars stage a man introduces the next act. Man: "next up is Chaz with some magic"

*suddenly a shark guy walks on the stage (this is literally just Chaz from Helluva Boss I'm too lazy to make up a character from scratch so ye)*

Angel: *immediately recognises Chaz from Husk's pictures* "is that your...."

Husk: *nods and slouches down* "ex....." *his eyes doesn't leave Chaz*

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