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Chaz: *knocking* "Hey Husk?"

Angel immediately hugs Husk and motions for him to be quiet. But Husk shakes his head at Angel
Husk: *sighs* "what Chaz?"

Chaz: "me and the gang are meeting up tonight. Wondering if you'd be interested in coming along"

Husks ears go up and his tail starts to sway
Husk: "can my boyfriend come?"

Chaz: *groans* "ugh.... I mean sure he cannnnn come. But can't promise we'd wait for him if he can't keep up"

Husk: *looks at Angel and whispers to him* "you wanna come?"
Angel looks confused but can see that Husk seems to be interested in going so he just nods
Husk: *goes back to shouting towards the door* "sure then where we meeting?"

Chaz: "our old spot"

Husk: "okay cool"

Chaz leaves and Angel sits up on the bed and helps Husk on the bed trying to make sure he's okay.

Angel: *kisses Husks cheek* "so what's with 'the gang' and 'our spot'?"

Husk: *nuzzles his head into Angels neck* "just an old friend group I used to hang with"

Angel: *chuckles and scratches husks head* "what about the 'our' spot"

Husk: *shrugs* "it's just a spot me and Chaz would go to a lot when we were together. It's one of the more regular spots the gang would meet at"

Angel: *chuckles* "so what sort of gang is it? And why does Chaz think I can't keep up?"

Husk: *kisses Angels neck* "it's a biker gang.... To be honest I don't have my bike so I think we'll both be left behind" *chuckles into Angels neck*

Angel: *giggles* "you used to be in a biker gang?"

Husk: *looks up at Angel* "ye?"

Angel: *smirks down at Husk* "so did you wear sexy leather clothes?~"

Husk: *smirks, leans to Angels ear and whispers* "maybe I did~"

Angel: *giggles* "god. If you werent injured I'd so be trying to fuck you~"

Husk: *chuckles* "wouldn't complain about that~"

Angel and Husk kiss

Angel: *scratching at Husks head* "do we have to go and meet up with Chaz and your old gang?"

Husk: *leaning into the scratch and closes his eyes* "ideally~"

Angel: *kisses Husks neck* "can't we just hang here and be affectionate~"

Husk: *shakes head* "I haven't seen them in years....."

Angel: *nods and kisses Husk* "okay then~ do I need to wear leather to fit in more~?"

Husk: *bites lips slightly* "that would be nice to see~"

Angel: *winks at Husk* "well I guess I should get ready then~"

Husk: *nods* "yea I'll meet you at the front of the hotel tonight"

Angel leaves and Husk just sighs and lays back, closing his eyes to take a nap.

(creators note: sorry this was short 😭 I'll make it up to yall when I ain't as busy cause apparently procrastinating catches up to ya smh. Can't believe actions have consequences 🙄. Genuinely though I really need to stop procrastinating but oh well seems like a future me problem. But ye I promise I'll do some long ones when I have the chance (╥_╥) but ye sorry i promise eventually I'll make it up to yall. Also idek what to title this so Ill probably just settle for 'plans' or 'idk', I'll see when I finish writing as much as I can. I rlly need sleep I'm running on like 2 hours of sleep)

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