Get Out!

262 4 38

(Word count: 583)

The next day, Cherri and Angel wake up early. They both clean up Husk's room trying to pass the time as they wait for Husk to wake up.

After an hour, Husk begins to groan and stirr. Husk sits up rubbing his head.

Angel: *approaches slowly* "Hey..... Sweetie are you okay?"

Husk stares at Angel and Cherri blankly.

Angel: *tilted head* "Hey? You wanna talk about anything?" *slowly tries to put his hand on Husk's head but freezes when Husk reacts*

Husk: *flinches and hisses then covers his mouth and sits in silence for a few moments then closes his eyes and looks down* "get out."

Angel: *pulls his hand away from Husk* "Hey honey.... Please let's talk"

Husk: *closing eyes tight* "get out! Get out! Get out!"

Cherri goes to say something but Angel shakes his head and motions for her to leave with him.

Angel: *nods at Husk* "okay..... If you need anything I'm always here for you....." *goes to kiss his cheek but freezes and sighs* "love you....." *gets up and goes out the room with Cherri*

Cherri follows Angel waiting for him to say something when they get to the mainroom and see Vaggie and Charlie at the hotel's bar. Angel breaks down onto the floor crying. Vaggie and Charlie run over to him. Cherri, Vaggie and Charlie try to calm him down. Cherri explains what happened and what they suspect happened to Husk specifically. Angel just cries into Cherri as Charlie covers her mouth in shock and Vaggie gets angry.

Alistair then walks in and tilts his head at the scene. Niffty then runs in and sees Angel crying then wipes his face trying to keep his face clean.

Alistair: *smiling like always and tilts his head* "did I miss someth-?"

Vaggie: *growls* "gonna fucking kill Chaz"

Alistair: *chuckles* "I thought you were glad that we had a new patro-"

Vaggie: *growls* "he harmed Husk. In such a horrible way. He needs to fucking die"

Alistair: *straightens posture* "I doubt a death at this hotel will be good for the image of the hote-"

Cherri: *comforts Angel and rolls eye at Alistair* "the image doesn't fucking matter right n-"

Alistair: *squints eyes* "I'll get Chaz out of the hotel. You all can stop interrupting me now." *he vanishes*

After a few hours, Angel and the others are in the main room trying to get there head together about everything. They all go silent as Husk walks into the mainroom behind the bar counter. Husk is wearing a hoodie and baggie trousers. Vaggie slowly goes up to the bar.

Vaggie: *trying to be cautious* "Hey Husk.... Are yo-"

Husk: *grumbles interrupting Vaggie* "yeye I'm working. I know it's been a while" *chugs down some whiskey*

Charlie: *goes by Vaggie* "uh hey Husk..... Chaz ha-"

Husk: *keeps chugging alcohol bottles then burps interrupting Charlie* "good for him." *Husk looks blankly at them as he cleans the bar counter*

Charlie and Vaggie look at Angel and Cherri unsure what to do.

Cherri: *goes up to the bar* "h-"

Husk: *groans* "leave me the fuck alone" *hisses and his wings go up and out to make him bigger*

The girls all back off.

Angel: *sits by bar* "please Husk."

Husk: *hisses* "I don't wanna talk."

Angel: *nods* "I'm always here for you...." *waits for a response* "I love you....."

Husk just blanks him and goes back to cleaning the bar. Not bothering to respond or look back at Angel.

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