Chapter 1

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It was anything less than a perfect day at Adventure Bay, with birds singing, trees rustling with the wind, and a nice sunny day reminded everyone that spring was officially coming with no more cold snowy days, and shivering temperatures, now it was going to be nothing but nice weather and beautiful days. Far away stood a building called the Lookout that held a team with a teen named Ryder and 6 pups living there. This team was very very well known in the town and would help with any sort of problems going on in Adventure Bay and this team was none other than the Paw Patrol.

This team was filled with joyful, happy, cheerful, brave, and adventurous pups. On this beautiful day, the pups and Ryder were also enjoying the new season as they could finally get out more and not have to stay inside in the cold weather. Out in the yard stood two pups and a mixed breed named Rocky who was the recycling pup and a chocolate lab named Zuma their aqua pup. These two were just enjoying their day while playing tug of war against each other. Then inside the lookout was a bulldog named Rubble the construction pup watching Apollo the Super Pup because he was the biggest fan and a new episode had just aired. Inside her pup house was a cockapoo named Skye the aviation pup was just taking a nap. Then there was a German shepherd.

"Ughh why is this so hard." Said the German Sheppard as he had thoughts going in and out of his brain. He was the police pup and second in command. Known as the leader and one of if not the bravest pup, he could be very serious but also very sweet to everyone and everything.

*Knock Knock*"Hey Chase are you okay" Said a very familiar voice that snapped the thoughts out of the shepard."Yeah, I'm okay."He said, "Okay so does that mean I can come in?" "Huh o-oh yeah sure" As the shepherd opened the door a Dalmatian stood out front.It was the firefighter/EMT pup named Marshall.

"Dude you okay you look like you've seen a ghost."Said Marshall, "I'm great..just was thinking about something."The shepherd stated the two were like brothers to each other they grew together and trusted each other with their lives so Marshall always wanted to make sure the shepherd was okay."What were you thinking about."Marshall asks, "I just don't know if I can tell you, Marshall."Chase states.

This kind of took Marshall back, never did Chase ever keep a secret from Marshall. They told each other everything so Marshall immediately knew something was off. He just wishes he knew."Come on Chase you know I won't tell anyone if it's that serious, plus we tell each other everything." Stated Marshall, eagerly he wanted to know what was on Chase's mind.

"Fine, but promise you won't tell anyone." Marshall nods in agreement "Okay the thing is I-I like someone on the team, but don't know how to tell them" Marshall's eyes widen, and is taken back by this statement from his best friend also a little worried about who It could be."O-Oh wow who is it" "S-Skye" Marshall sighs in relief as Chase gives him a concerned look but ignores it as well."Dude that's awesome but uh why are you scared." Marshall asks, "Because there's no way she likes me back and I want her to be mine, but I also don't want to ruin our friendship" Marshall nods and looks down as he has the same feeling he has with any other pup on the team."Well if it makes you feel better I have a crush as well" Chase immediately shoots up as his curiosity gets the best of him.

"Who who who" Chase asks excitedly, "Uhh I like E-Everest" Chase had a gut feeling he would say her because Marshall didn't hide his feelings so well."Aha, I knew it"Chase states "Wait you knew?" Marshall asks a little curious, "Well yeah you made it kinda obvious dude" Marshall blushes and is embarrassed while looking at the floor."Hey it's okay maybe I'm the only one who knows" Chase says 

"Yeah hopefully, the last thing I need is the whole team finding out or even Everest Finding out," Marshall says, knowing he doesn't want to be embarrassed because he is also the shyest on the team."I just hope that one day I can confess to her you know?" The Dalmation says as Chase nods also having the same feeling."Yeah, hopefully one day we can find the strength to tell them" Chase says as he thinks about all the good memories he and Skye have had with each other with the hope of being able to call her his girlfriend one day.

Although in the end, only time could tell.

Paw Patrol:Love is ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now