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"REMARKABLE, IS IT NOT? WHAT MY sister has accomplished remains unprecedented

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"REMARKABLE, IS IT NOT? WHAT MY sister has accomplished remains unprecedented. No other member of our family has managed to bring three dragons to life. They are bound to their mother," Aemond uttered eloquently, allowing his pride in Daenys to leak through his speech. "Her name will be remembered for centuries on end."

Ser Ivar Cargyll cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders as he gazed at the young woman he had vowed to protect. The Princess was busy feeding her dragons and whispering sweet nothings to them in High Valyrian. The knight was able to comprehend some of the words Daenys spoke to her children as a result of her most recent desire to teach him more about her mother tongue. His knowledge was quite limited and he didn't feel confident enough to breathe a word in her language, but he was beginning to grasp it better.

"The Princess is one of a kind," Ser Ivar remarked. "It is an honor to be in her service."

"I am certain it is, Ser Ivar, though I must admit I am rather confused. What sort of service do you provide for my sister?" Aemond wondered, lowering his voice. "It seems to me that you intend to offer her more than your protection."

"I do not understand what you are trying to convey, Prince Aemond," Ser Ivar answered neutrally.

Aemond scoffed, dropping the false pleasantries. "Of course, you are a simple-minded man after all." The knight made an effort not to react to his insult, maintaining a blank expression. "I have reason to believe that your intentions towards my sister have become evidently impure. Allow me to remind you that she is a Princess of the Crown, Ser Ivar. Daenys is already promised to another."

"I have the utmost respect for Princess Daenys," Ser Ivar declared, bewildered by his accusations. "My only intent is to protect her, and if it means that I must defend her honor as well, then that is what I shall do. I would never put her in a position where her good name would be tarnished. Your sister has already suffered enough because of rumors created by the nobility regarding the legitimacy of her birth, the last thing she needs is for her brother to set new rumors in motion."

Aemond was taken aback by the knight's fierce statement. Luckily for him, he didn't have to find a counter-response, because Daenys sauntered over to them with a childish smile, seemingly unaware of their heated argument. "Have you seen how much bigger they have been getting lately?"

"You will be flying together in no time, Princess," Ser Ivar agreed. "You will be an excellent rider."

"I simply cannot wait," Daenys replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And I will take you flying with me! Oh, I am certain that you will love it."

Despite his doubtful look, eagerness spread through her. The idea of sharing something memorable with him excited her. "I cannot make any promises yet, Princess. Riding a horse is not the same thing as riding a dragon."

Daenys waved him off. "Nonsense, Ser Ivar! You would be safe with me. I would never let anything happen to you, that much I can promise."

"I advise you to fly with someone else. Mayhap an experienced dragonrider," Ser Ivar responded. "May I suggest your sister Helaena?"

𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐒 | Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now