Asking Persmission (His P.O.V)

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I walked up the steps to Y/N's childhood home, I took a deep breath in and knocked 3 times on the door and Y/M/N opened the door

"Hi Luke, what can I do for you?" Y/M/N asked me and pulled me in for a hug

"I just needed to chat with you and Y/N's Dad if that's okay?" I asked hugging her back

"Okay I will just go and get him you come in and make yourself at home and I shall be back"

I went in and saw that Y/L/S/N was playing on the floor with her toys and as soon as she saw me she ran over.

"Lukey!!!" Y/L/S/N squealed and crawled onto my lap

"Hey big girl, looking very pretty today" I told her as she giggled and her giggles were soon interrupted by Y/D/N walking into the room.

"Luke it's good to see you again" Y/D/N said as he pulled me up and into a hug

"Yes and you too, sir" I replied also hugging him back as Y/L/S/N crawled onto my lap again

"Luke call me Y/D/N but, any who, what did you want to ask us then?" Y/D/N spoke smiling at me

"Well i-um was wondering seeing as though it is mine and Y/N's 4 year anniversary tomorrow I was thinking about proposing to her but I didn't want to do it without asking your permission. so um Y/D/N will you give me the blessing to Marry your daughter?"

"Oh Luke of course you can marry our daughter!" Y/M/N told me

"Yeah I agree I see how happy she is with you and I can't wait for your future together!"Y/D/N exclaimed smiling

"Does that mean I can wear a princess dress Lukey?" Y/L/S/N asked

"You can be something better, a bridesmaid, that's when you get to wear a dress like Y/N's and hold flowers and help your big sister" I told her as she smiled and gave me a hug.

"Anyway, I must go now because Y/N is waiting for me at home to go out shopping,fun!" I joked

"Okay Luke it was lovely seeing you again" Y/D/N told me

"And you too" I said as I was going out of the front door and hopping into my car, happy that Y/N's parents will let me marry her, all I was hoping for was that Y/N says Yes.


Y/D/N and I were having a 'men's day out' or basically playing golf,swimming, playing tennis or just lounging around, seeing as none of Y/N's brothers wanted to go I thought I could go with him and now could be the perfect chance to ask for Y/D/N blessing to marry Y/N.

Me and Y/D/N had just got out the pool and we were sat on some bar stools at a table in the drink stand place drinking milkshakes and talking about our plans for the future, mostly mine, seeing as though Y/D/N already has his future; his daughter (Y/N), sons (Y/B/N'S) and his wife (Y/M/N)

"So Ashton are you planning on proposing to Y/N any time soon? I'm getting old now Ashton" he joked and I spat out my drink at his sentence, don't quite know why.

"Oh sorry um well actually sir I was wondering if you could give me your blessing to marry your daughter?" I spoke apologizing for getting milkshake everywhere

"Ash, one you don't have to keep calling me sir call me Y/D/N and two, I would love to give you my blessing, thank you for asking I see how happy she is every day she is with you, I see hate that she gets on Twitter and how you deal with the fans and when your on tour you still manage to make her frown and dull moods into a smile and happy moods, I can't wait to give her away to the boy who makes her the most happy" Y/D/N told me

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