The Proposal

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"Oohhh I love this song; it's so Christmasy," you said sitting beside Luke at the piano.

He continued playing while softly singing. You rested your head on his shoulder and watched his fingers move across the keys. He finished resting his hands in his lap and kissing your forehead.

"Come on Luke," you jumped up and took his hand, "Remember the Tradition; one present on Christmas Eve."

Luke smiled at your excitement. He readjusted the Santa Hat on his head and followed you across the room. You sat on the Sofa (or couch) by the Christmas Tree with a small present behind your back.

"Merry Christmas Luke" you said handing it to him.

"Thanks sweetheart," he replied smiling. He slowly undid the ribbon and unwrapped it. "It's amazing love, thank you," he said putting the watch on the Coffee table and kissing your cheek. "My turn," he said, watching your eyes light up.

"I love how excited you get at Christmas, it's adorable," he whispered, looking around the tree for your present.

You smiled and looked at the Tree Lights; Christmas was always your favorite holiday. You heard Luke move on the floor making you turn to look at him. Your breath got caught in your throat; Luke was kneeling on one knee in front of you, with a small box in his hand.

"Y/N," he said taking your hand in his, "I love you so much. I promise to never leave you alone, and to be with you for your entire life, through good times and bad. I'll always be there for you and give of myself whatever I must in order to make you happy, and keep you safe," he continued. You felt tears fill your eyes but you blinked them away. "I'll love you forever. Will you marry me?" He asked and opened up the box, traveling a gorgeous ring.

"Oh my god. Yes. Yes. Yes Luke," you said nodding.

He stood up, pulling you with him. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He held you tight, before letting go and sliding the ring onto your finger.

"It was picked by the one and only Y/L/B/N so it is very special for a very special Mrs Hemmings" he smiled.

"I love it and I love you Mr Hemmings," you whispered against his lips before kissing him passionately. "Best Christmas Ever"


Over a long day at work, all you wanted to do was go home and relax. As you walked into your shared flat with Ashton, you noticed it was quiet and dark, except from light outside.

"Ash," you whispered looking at the backyard you shared with all the other Flat Owners.

"Hey baby girl. Didn't hear you come home," Ashton kissed your cheek.

"What is going on?" You asked. Ashton just kept quiet and led you to a table and pulled out your chair.

"I know you've been stressed with work and you deserve this," he kissed your forehead and walked into the kitchen.

You looked around the backyard; there were candles and lights around the tables and plants. You were shocked at the effort he had gone to. You were snapped out of your thoughts, when Ashton returned with dinner. You stared at the plate in front of you.

"You made this?" You asked. He smiled proudly. While you and Ashton ate you spoke about your days, your families and the future.

"Ash, that was amazing," you said, eating the last off your plate.

"Thank you baby, but you haven't had dessert yet," He smirked and walked back inside. Moments later he returned placing another plate in front of you.

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