Final Planning (His P.O.V)

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"Please Luke. We have to pick something. We have already been to 5 bakeries and we are running out of time before our Wedding," Y/N sighed. I nodded and opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off,

"I know you love Cakes, but please Luke."

"But they taste so good, I can't pick one," I replied smiling. She rolled her eyes playfully, turning back to look at Cake Displays.

"You know we can have more than one Flavour? Each layer can be something different," She said softly.

"What?" I quickly spun her around to face me, "So I don't have to pick just one?"

She giggled and shook her Head, "That's what I've been trying to tell you for weeks." I froze for a moment, before kissing her cheek.

"I'll pick the Flavours, you choose the Design. Deal?" I asked. She nodded happily and looked through the Design Books.

I turned to the Baker, "I pick Vanilla, Red Velvet, Lemon..."


"Come on Sweetheart. Last one for Today, I promise," I said kissing Y/N's forehead. I held her hand as we walked towards the building. After many places today, we were still looking for somewhere to have our Wedding Reception. We were now at a Barn Hall near the Church.

"Ladies First," I said opening the door. Y/N giggled and walked inside, with me following behind. It was big; already filled with Tables and Chairs. There were lights hanging from the ceiling that would look Perfect at Night Time. I watched Y/N walk around slowly, taking in every detail. She smiled when she saw the Ceiling and the Dance Floor in the middle. She ran her finger along the table and looked up at me,

"Ash I really like this one." I smiled an continues watching her. She giggled and twirled around in Circles on the Dance Floor.

"Me too," I whispered, imagining us Dancing for the first time together as Husband and Wife.


"Come on Calum, lets see," Luke whined from outside the Dressing Room. I slowly pulled on my Suit Jacket and looked at myself in the Mirror. I smiled at the thought of getting married to Y/N. There was a knock on the door, making me jump I walked out and saw Luke, Ashton, Michael and Josh (one of Calum's Good Friends, K?) standing in their Suits. I opened my mouth to speak, but the Store Assistant spoke up,

"Looking good lads. Anything I can help you with?" I nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket.

"I need some ties; Kelly Green, Coral, Capri and Brilliant Rose," I asked unsure what I was asking for but the assistant knew.

"Here you go, and something for you," she returned, handing me the Ties and a black bow tie. I handed out the Ties.

"Why the different colours?" Ashton asked.

"I liked the idea of matching the groomsmen with Bridesmaids," I said proudly."

"You or Y/N," Luke mumbled.

"Defiantly whipped," Michael added.


"Here you go Baby," I said handing Y/N her cup of tea and sat beside her on the Sofa. She sighed and slowly took a sip.

"Everything alright?" I asked. She put her cup down and showed me a piece of paper off the Table.

"The seating chart Mikey," she said. I smiled weakly, unsure what I was looking for.

"I was checking for a Final Time and -" she paused, "these two can't sit together. They had a falling out at the Last Family Party and I don't want another Scene like that." I nodded and looked at the chart.

"How about we swap this Cousin with this one," I explained pointing at the chart,

"I'm sure that would work." Y/N raised an eyebrow at me, before she spoke,

"That gives me an idea, thanks Mikey,"

"Oh and Calum and Ashton can not sit together; remember what happened at Luke's wedding, I had to take them outside to calm down,"

I laughed at the memory, "All because they were too Hyperactive and laughed at anything and everything."



You do not know how many times on Calum's one I put 'Toes' instead of 'Ties' and also them colours are real colours, you'll just have to wait.

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Love you lots 💟

-Courtney :)

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