Dress Shopping

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"Can we try again next Weekend? I'm tired and hungry," You wined. You were walking down a street in London filled with Bridal Stores, that once you dresses was picked they would send it to Luke's Parents House in Australia.

"Just like Luke," Bryana whispered to Y/B/F/N (Best Friend's Name) making them both laugh.

"Come on sweetie, one more store" Your Mum said. You walked into the Store and they begun looking around. You slowly; feeling disappointed that you hadn't found your Dress yet. Liz pulled out a dress and smiled. Your Mum walked over to her, her eyes lighting up.

"What about that?" Liz asks your Mum. She nodded and touched the Dress lightly,

"It's beautiful."

"Y/N, darling. Try this one" Liz said, handing you the Dress.

You walked into the dressing room and and without looking at the Dress you slid it on. Since the Dress had to be tied up at the back, you couldn't do it on your own. You hold the Bodice against your chest and looked in the mirror.

"Oh My God," You whispered, running a hand down your body and across the Fabric. The beaded bodice was gorgeous and the skirt was soft and flowy.

"I think she found it," Your Mum said. You walked out smiling for the first time that day.

"Can you tie it up?" You asked your Mum. She nodded and gently pulled the Ribbon at your Back.

"It's lovely dear," Liz said, getting teary.

"I love it Y/N," Bryana added.

"You look beautiful; really beautiful," Your Mum smiled. You looked at yourself again in the Mirror.

"It's the Prefect Dress for Luke's Princess," Y/B/F/N giggled.


"I like this one," Arzaylea (A/N no hate plz:)) said looking at the Dress you were wearing. The look on your Face, showed you didn't like it.

"It's not it isn't it?" Your Mum asked softly. You shook your head and walked back the Dressing Room. On your way you tripped on the Dress, but stood up before you fell over.

"Sweetheart," Your Mum called out, grabbing your hand. You sighed and looked at her with teary eyes.

"It's okay darling, there are lots of other Dresses. We will find the one," She said rubbing your hand. You nodded and walked back into the dressing room.

"What about something like this?" Arzaylea said holding up a Dress.

"Oohhh I like that one. It's beautiful and Traditional," Ann-Marie added.

"I'll give it to Y/N," Your Mum said, knocking on the door. You opened it slightly and looked out.

"Try this one," She suggested. After you closed the door you looked at the Dress, it was thin, but had lace down the arms, the Chest, and went down the bottom then it was slightly puffy at the bottom, not too much but not too little. You smiled; feeling a little hopeful.

You slid the dress on carefully and zipped it up. As you looked in the mirror, you loved it. It hugged your body and waist Perfectly and you loved how the Lace trailed out at the Bottom as well as  all over it. You giggled softly to yourself at how happy you were with it.

"I think she found it," Ann-Marie smiled.

"Can we see?" Arzaylea asked excitedly. You slowly stepped out of the Dressing Room, walking towards them

"It's beautiful," Ann-Marie whispered.

"It's like it was made for you," Arzaylea giggled.

"That's the one," Your Mum added.

"It's different; but it's perfect," You whispered, twirling around in front of the Mirror being careful of the Lace Trail at the Back.


"That's enough, I have 4 Dresses to try," You laughed, shaking your head at them.

"Well go on then," Bryana said, pushing you into the Dressing Room. The First Dress was too stick-thin, and you didn't like that. You took it off the Hanger anyway and placed it against your body, but you just didn't like it all that much.

You hung it back on and put it on the other side, and looked at the next dress.

"Everything alright dear?" Your Mum asked.

"Yeah One Second," You said, knowing that you would be longer. One look at the Second Dress and your Face lit up. You gently unzipped it and slid it on. The white silky fabric was stunning; it hugged your body perfectly. You loved the fact it was silky at the top with tiny bits of lace on it, then it was a flowy out bit with lacy-flowers on it, the dress was quite puffed out, which you loved.

"Y/N," Joy begun, "Do you need any help?" You quickly opened the door and you walked into the middle of the Room, watching their reactions.

"Who chose this one?" You asked, looking at yourself in the full length mirror. You Mum nodded and wiped a fallen tear off her cheek.

"You look amazing Y/N; Calum won't be able to keep his hands off you," Bryana laughed.

"she's right, Calum will love it. It's beautiful, fits like a glove," Joy added.

"It's Perfect Mum. I love it," You whispered, looking at her. She nodded again.

"I have never seen you this Happy or Beautiful."


"Any idea of what you want?" Your Mum asked looking up from the rack of Dresses. You were Dress shopping with your Mum, Michael's Mum and Arzaylea. You sighed and shrugged your shoulders.

"None of them that are like the stick thin ones, not too big but not too small, little boys of lace, no big ruffles because we might still be having a Beach Wedding and I don't want things to get ruined..." You rambled on.

"So we know what you don't want," Arzaylea laughed.

"And we thought Michael was picky," Karen added.

"It has to be Perfect," You whispered as you all continued looking through Dresses.

"Agghhh," You suddenly squealed. But before anyone could see it, you pulled it off the Rack and into a Dressing Room.

"She seems to like this one," Karen said softly.

"Fingers Crossed," Arzaylea smiled.

You slid into the Dress and stood silent for a few moments, admiring the Dress alone, the Dress hugged your Figure perfectly, it felt good too. It was silky at the bottom but on the Chest Part it had a lace pattern on it.

"Sweetheart, can we see?" Your Mum asked. You opened the Curtain and stepped out. They went silent; just looking at you.

"What do you think?" You asked.

"I love it Y/N, it's beautiful," Arzaylea said.

"Oh my, you look gorgeous. Mikey will love it," Karen said, touching the bottom.

"Mum?" You asked. She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"It's perfect," she whispered, pulling you into a hug.

"This is it." You smiled.



Okay so I am currently sat in McDonald's in London with my family. Not socialising. Your Welcome.

Please Vote and Add to your Libraries, because it makes me a Happy Bean.

Love you lots 💟

-Courtney :)

P.S: The Dress that you buy is at the top.

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