Wedding Thoughts

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"I don't know Luke, I can't find anywhere that I love," you sighed and closed the laptop.

"I'm sure there'll be somewhere in London that we would like to get married in," he said.

"What about Sydney?" you asked him. He looked at you wide eyed.

"Seriously?" he questioned.

You smiled and nodded. "I know how much you love it in Sydney; it's your home, And everyone loves you back, it's a little bit further away from home but, we are travelling there a few weeks before so we can just stay at mine or yours Parents House, we'll work something out," You paused moving closer to him on the Sofa, resting your head on his shoulder.

"And if you want to; I love to get married there," You whispered. Luke gently lifted your chin up with his finger.

"Are you serious?" he asked again, trying to hide his smile. You nodded again. "I would love that; it's perfect," he kissed you, "And everyone already loves you; maybe more than I do." He quickly stood up and started jumping around the room, "Got to tell Mum and Dad; Aussie Aussie AUSSIE!" he chanted excitedly.


"You alright Sweetheart?" Ashton asked walking into your shared Bedroom. You looked up at him from the bed and nodded. You looked down at your hand again; admiring your ring. You twirled it around your finger, watching it catch the sunlight through the window. Ashton sat beside you and gently took your hand in his.

"I love it; it's so beautiful," You whispered smiling at him.

"I'm glad," he replied and kissed your forehead.

"Ash," You paused, "Do you have any ideas for the Wedding?"

He thought for a moment, before answering, " I don't know much about Wedding; but I do want it to be us; traditional, like in a church, but with a bit of a difference too."

"Cause I was thinking, and we don't have to, it was just a thought," he nodded, "maybe a Vintage feel; like my ring," you said. He smiled and kissed your cheek,

"Vintage, I like the sound of that. It's perfect, darling."


"What you reading baby?" Calum asked as he placed two cups of tea down. You looked at him across the counter,

"One of Bryana's old Bridal magazines, she gave it to me at Lunch today," you said.

He smiled and sat on the stool beside you. "Do you want to have a look Cal?" You asked smiling. He nodded, so you slid the magazine over to him. He flicked through a few pages, pausing to look st some of the Photos.

"Anything you like?" You asked.

"I don't know baby; what do you think?" He slid the magazine back to you.

"There is so many different things; but I do like the colours here. Bright and fun," You said.

"It's better than the Brown ones I saw a few pages back," He laughed.

"How do you feel about a Spring Wedding? Bright Colours? Even Michael could dye his hair a Spring-Time colour" You asked, earning a little chuckle from Calum.

"Outside Wedding; in a Garden or Park?" He added smiling wide.

"I love the sound of that," You said.

"Me too."


"Come back here Y/N," Michael laughed and ran after you.

"You have to catch me first," You yelled and continued running along the sand. Michael ran faster, digging into the sand with each step,

"Gotcha," He laughed wrapping his arms over your waist and spinning you around.

"Put me down Mikey," You giggled. He put your feet back on the ground, resting his head on your shoulder.

"I love it here. It's beautiful," You said kissing his cheek.

"What about here?" He asked spinning you around to face him.

"What?" You questioned.

"For the Wedding," He confirmed.

"Here?" You repeated, looking around.

"We wanted something different; something totally us. I think this is it," he smiled, "And it's our day, nobody else's. So don't worry about them. What do you want?" You looked at Michael; his bright Green eyes shining.

"I do love the Beach," You smirked,

"Let's do it."



HIIIII!!! I'm super excited today because I am going to my Brothers house, in London, I love the Journey's there, so Yay! I will still be able to update, so Hakuna Your Tata's

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Love you lots 💟

-Courtney :)

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