Morning Of

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"Step in Y/N," Y/B/F/N said, laying your dress open on the floor. You smiled and stepped into the middle of the Fabric. Your mum slowly pulled your dress up. You held it against your chest, as she tied the ribbon at the back. As soon as she removed her hands and stepped back, all your bridesmaids stared at you smiling.

"What? What's wrong?" You begun to panic. Bryana laughed and took your hand.

"You look beautiful Y/N," She smiled.

"Absolutely stunning. Luke won't be able to keep his hands off you," Y/B/F/N added. You looked at yourself in the mirror, taking a deep breath as you realized you were actually marrying Luke.

"Sweetheart," Your Mum whispered, getting your attention. "You look amazing, really gorgeous. My Baby Girl." She said getting teary. She gently cupped your cheek and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Mum, don't cry, you'll make me cry," You said fanning your eyes.


"Y/N?" Y/F/N called pushing the Bedroom Door open. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and watched you. You were sitting cross legged on the Bed, wearing one of Ashton's shirts doing your own Make-up.

"I thought I was going to do that for you?" She asked, sitting beside you. You looked up, putting down the brush,

"Sorry I know. But I wanted to," You paused as Arzaylea and Y/S/N walked into the room.

"To do it how Ashton wanted?" Y/S/N joked, making you blush. The girls laughed shaking their heads.

"Come on Y/N , you should get Dressed," Y/F/N said.

"Can't I just wear this shirt? It's really comfy," You said wrapping your arms around yourself.

"After the trouble we had finding this," Y/S/N begun, holding up your Dress, then Arzaylea cut her off,

"Ashton would love you in anything, but maybe something more than his shirt. You are getting married in a Church remember."


"Breakfast time girls," Your Mum said, placing a tray of Food on the Table.

"Smells amazing," Bryana commented, walking towards the Table.

"Coffee?" You asked, still sitting in Bed.

"Only Tea," Arzaylea replied, making you groan. There was a loud knock on the Door and everyone froze. You slowly got out of Bed since no one else was moving, but Mali rushed in front of you.

"Calum," She said opening the Door . "You can't be here," She continued.

"I know. I just had to give this to Y/N," Calum replied, giving Mali the Drinks.

"Thanks Calum. Now go get ready. Only the Bride is allowed to be late," She joked.

"Tell her I lover her," He yelled out as Mali closed the Door on him.

"Here's your coffee. Don't know how he knew but," She sighed handing out the Coffees. You smiled and slowly took a sip; Your Favourite. You blushed when you saw the name on the cup, 'Bride.'


"Excuse me for a moment," You said quietly, standing up and walking into your Bedroom. You looked around the Room, eyes landing on your bouquet of Flowers. You slowly picked them up and sat on the Bed. A few minutes later, you heard footsteps approaching.

"Y/N, everything alright?" Y/S/N asked walking in. You nodded but didn't remove your eyes from the Flowers.

"Don't want to rush you or anything, but Dad will be here soon to take us to your Wedding," She continued.

"Bride's are allowed to be late, everyone knows that," Your Mum laughed from the Doorway. You looked up and gave her a small smile. "Oh darling," She whispered, sitting beside you. You rested your head on her shoulder, as she wrapped her arm around you.

"No need to worry love, he loves you so much. everyone can see it by the way he looks at you," She said kissing your Forehead, "and you love him just as much."



Nawwww!!! Much cute so love.

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Love you lots 💟

-Courtney :)

P.S: The pictures are just pictures for what suits the situation and things like that

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