Engagement Ring Shopping (His P.O.V)

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"Do you know what Ring you're going to get Lukey?" Y/L/S/N asked me, he really wanted to come with me so he could help pick a ring

"Nope, that's why you're here remember!' I told her then tickled her, making her shriek really loudly

We walked into the shop and me and Y/L/S/N looked through all the rings, but none of them he liked, so I looked through them all and I agreed so we went to about 3 different shops. We arrived at the 4th shop hoping for some luck

"Lukey!" I heard Y/L/S/N shout "Come Here!"

"Okay, calm down what's up?" I asked her

"Do you like this ring?" He asked me pointing to a silver-gold ring with a little jewel on the top

"It's perfect!" I exclaimed then went over to a Staff member who got the ring out, I let Y/L/S/N pick out the box and we walked out her on my shoulders ring box in my pocket, excited yet nervous to Propose to Y/N.



My phone started ringing so I asked Y/L/S/N if she could pass me it then skipped happily into mine and Y/N's bathroom and continued doing whatever the hell she was doing.

"Hello, it's Ashton." I spoke into the phone

"Hi Ash, are you at home? It's Y/M/N"

"Oh Hi Y/M/N yeah I'm at home, want me to bring Y/L/S/N home?" I asked her

"No, well yes but I need to give you something, so come over as quick as you can"

"Sure will be there in about 30 minutes, see you soon bye!"

"Y/L/S/N your going home now, Y/N coming to visit soon okay?" I told her as I walked into the bathroom to see her putting some of Y/N's makeup on.

"Do I look pretty like Y/N?" She asked me

"Absolutely Gorgeous, now let's go"

*Skip le car ride*

"MUMMY!" Y/L/S/N shouted running towards Y/M/N as we walked through the door.

"Hi baby girl, go find your brother okay and you can play together while I talk to Ashton okay? But first go Thank Ash"

"Thank you Ashy" Y/L/S/N said hugging me

"Anytime Darling" I said smiling at her then watched her run upstairs

"Ashton come sit down" Y/M/N told me as I followed her into the Front Room sitting down on the Sofa

"Okay, I figured you need an Engagement Ring for Y/N so instead of having to buy one I have this" Y/M/N pulled out a box with a diamond ring in it, it was perfect for my Y/N. "When Y/N's Grandma passed away before it happened she left a ring for when she gets married, so um here you go." Y/M/N told me and handed me the Ring which I carefully put inside my front pocket of my jeans.

After staying there for another few hours playing with Y/N's Siblings I decided I would go home and see Y/N and when I did she was fast asleep in bed so all I did was put the ring somewhere she won't find it then lay beside her.


"Where are we going Calum?" Mali asked as we walked down the busy shopping street. I smiled at her not saying a word.

"I thought you were getting Y/N's Birthday present?" She continued.

I stopped outside a Jewelers and looked at her. "I am picking up her present. But I would love to have your opinion on it," I said walking inside.

She just looked around the store in awe and before she could ask another question, I cut her off,

"Just wait a moment."

I got the attention of the Sales Assistant and told her what I was here to pick up. I waved at Mali to come over to me. As soon as the Lady brought out the box and opened it, Mali gasped.

"Oh my god Calum, are you serious?" She squealed. I nodded and picked up the ring

"Do you think Y/N will like it?" I asked.

"It's beautiful. Oh my god, she will love it. It's amazing.. For her Birthday too Calum. It's perfect," she rambled on, I was just hoping that she will be right.


"Can you get my phone for me Ashton?it's in my bag" I asked. He nodded and unzipped the bag.

Moments later, I heard whispers from the boys. I looked up and saw Ashton and Luke looking in my bag.

"Hey guys, what you doing?" I asked walking towards them.

Ashton turned around and had the small box in his hand. My heart dropped. "Ash." I held out my hand. He shook his head and opened it up.

"Is it what I think it is?" Luke said, looking between the box and me.

I felt my cheeks redden. Calum stopped doing whatever he was doing and wanted to know what was going on.

"Looks like Michael here wants to propose to Y/N," Ashton said.

"Aww our little Mikey" Calum cooed. I ran a hand through my red hair which was now the same shade as my face, from embarrassment.

"It's a beautiful ring." Luke pointed out.

"You better not tell her, I swear," I said.

"We promise. And don't worry, Y/N loves you so much, even if you mess this up, she will still say yes." Luke said patting me on the back. Now I was very hopeful that I could make Y/N my fiancee.


So this was a little bit shorter, Calum and Michael's imagines were based off Tumblr so the idea is from Tumblr but I just changed it a little bit.

If you enjoyed please vote and Add to your Libraries and I will be very happy.

Love you lots 💟

-Courtney :)

P.S: The rings are at the Side

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