BrideZilla Moment (His P.O.V)

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"That's my phone, excuse me," I said, walking past the boys to my bag. 'Bryana' I read the Caller ID. Y/N was with the girls picking up their Bridesmaids Dresses while I was with the boys getting our Suits finalized.

"Hey Bry," I answered.

"Oh Luke thank God," She sighed.

"Why? What's going on?" I laughed.

"It's Y/N,"She replied, "She -" But was cut off by yelling in the Background.

"That's the wrong colour. I asked for VIOLET NOT LAVENDER," Y/N yelled. I chuckled at her; she rarely got angry, but when she did I couldn't help but smile.

"It's not funny Luke, everything is getting to her," Bry said, "We have tried to calm her down but nothing's worked." I opened my mouth to speak when I heard a Heart Breaking sound.

"I wanted Lavender," Y/N whispered, voice filled with tears. I heard her sob and pictured her covering her face with her hands.

"Put her on the Phone," I growled.

"Y/N it's Luke," Bry said softly.

"Luke," Y/N said, voice cracking.

"Hey Princess, please don't cry," I soothed.

"It's all wrong, I-" I cut her off.

"I always liked Lavender more," I said, not really knowing what I was talking about, but it calmed her down.

"Thanks Luke," She whispered, her voice getting Happy again.


"Thanks for doing this Lou, I really appreciate it,' Y/N said as Lou (1D's hair stylist but she did do 5SOS's hair too, so yah) finished her Hair.

"No problem Sweetie. It's actually nice to do a Girl's Hair for a change," Lou laughed, as she walked away to get the Broom to clean up the floor. Y/N smiled and hopped off the Chair, smiling. But her smile quickly faded.

"It's short," She whispered. I noticed the panic on her face. "It's so short," She said louder. I quickly walked towards her.

"I only wanted a Trim but she CUT IT OFF," She said louder.

"Y/N, Sweetheart," I begun softly.

"No Ashton, it's all wrong. Everything is going wrong and we are getting Married soon," She said becoming upset. I knew the Wedding Planning was getting to her but I didn't think she was so stressed. I gently placed my hands on her arms and looked into her eyes.

"Y/N. Your hair looks beautiful; You can't even notice the difference," I said rubbing her arms. She looked up, her eyes glossy.

"Really Ash?" She sniffed.

"Really." I replied, "And you know our Wedding is going to be Perfect. And if anything goes wrong, I will fix it." She lent against me; her on my Chest.

"I'm sorry Ash," She mumbled. I kissed her forehead; hoping she wouldn't have another Bridezilla moment before the Wedding.


"Calum, what flavour cake would you prefer, Vanilla or Chocolate?" I heard Y/N ask. We were in a Bakery, deciding a Cake for the Wedding. I flicked through my phone, going to reply to Michael's message.

"Whatever you want baby," I said giving  Y/N a small smile, then looking down again.

"Cal," She whispered, touching my hand. I looked up and saw her eyes start to fill with tears.

"Do you even care about this Wedding?" She paused, taking a deep breath, "Cause I care Calum. I care a lot and I can't plan the whole Wedding, Reception and Everything, ALL BY MYSELF," She said getting louder. I was shocked, she never got angry or never at me. I quickly put my phone away and took her hands in mine.

"I'm sorry," I paused kissing her forehead, "I do care about our Wedding." She smiled weekly. I squeezed her hands.

"This Wedding is our day and I should be helping you more. I just want to see you happy," I said kissing her cheek. She nodded. I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry for over reacting. It's just if you want to see me happy, I would love your help. And show an interest in planning.. It's hard doing it all alone," she mumbled against my chest.

"Of course baby, I would love too," I said softly, "Now what were those Cake Flavours again?"


"Y/N" I called as I walked downstairs, looking around the Front Room. "Y/N, where are you?" I asked again.

I turned into the Kitchen, when I heard a slam of the Laptop. I quickly turned around and saw Y/N throw the laptop into the Cushion next to her. She sighed deeply, a pout appearing on her lips. I walked over to her, picked the laptop up and put it on the Table in front of her. I gently sat down beside her and pulled her onto my lap. I smiled as she snuggled into my chest, seeming comfortable.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, playing with her hair, calming her down a little.

"My shoes," She sobbed, "I can't wear heels at our Wedding," I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't wear heels on the Beach," She sobbed again. I lifted her head off my chest, looking in her eyes,

"If you want, we can both go barefoot for the Wedding Ceremony," I said rubbing her arm, "And you can wear your lovely heels at the Reception," Her eyes lit up, making her smile grow.

"Now that you have had your BrideZilla Moment, Can I have a look at these shoes of yours?" I asked with a smirk.

"Mikey," She laughed hitting my chest lightly, "I am not a BrideZilla."



Okay I'm still in McDonald's waiting for my Brother to join the rest of our Family. He's been at work. K

Hope you enjoyed, if you did please Vote and Add to your Libraries because it makes me a Happy Human Bean.

Love you lots 💟

-Courtney :)

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