Chapter I

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A mere few hours earlier, Kol and Amalie found themselves rousing in a bewildering location. Mystic Falls had been replaced by an entirely 'alien' environment, leaving the siblings bewildered. Initially entertaining the notion that they had crossed into a purgatory between life and death, they embarked on a tentative exploration of this unfamiliar city.

Kol, surveying the surroundings, suddenly widened his eyes," Uh, I think I know where we are".

" Where ?". Amalie inquired.

" Japan. Man, never had the chance to come here. After all, how long was I locked in a box ? Look around". Kol gestured.

Amalie, taking in the Japanese signs and unfamiliar stores, nodded in agreement. Their immortality had bestowed upon them the gift of mastering the languages they wanted to learn, making the linguistic barrier irrelevant. After all, living for centuries can get long and boring, so you might as well do things that liven up the day.

" I wonder which city in Japan". Amalie mused.

Kol smirked, sprinting towards a passerby and locking eyes with him," Hey, you, tell me everything you know about this place".

The intimidated boy whimpered, taking a step back," D-don't hurt me !".

To Kol and Amalie's disbelief, compulsion had no effect.

" Sorry about him... He has a problem with politeness. Could you tell us where we are exactly ?". Amalie inquired.

" Yokohama. Um... I think I saw you two before". The boy replied.

" Impossible, mate". Kol retorted.

" Oh ? I was sure that you two lived at the orphanage near here... Maybe I made a confusion. Um... I'll go now". The boy nervously walked away.

Kol scoffed," Orphanage ? We're a little old for that, right ?".

However, confusion struck Kol as Amalie seemed frozen, pointing at their reflections in a pane of glass.

" What is it ?". Kol asked.

" I didn't really notice before... but is it me, or did we become smaller ?". Amalie asked.

Kol shrieked, examining himself closer," What the bloody hell is this joke ?! Why do I look like a ten-year-old brat ?".

" W-well, I look like an eight-year-old one... So, does that mean we really live in an orphanage ?". Amalie said.

" It's the same as before; we had no parents". Kol stated with a shrug.

Amalie sweatdropped," Well, it was dear Niklaus who killed them. Not that I complain".

Kol hummed before looking toward Amalie," You think he was drinking vervain that the compulsion didn't work ?".

" You probably won't like my hypothesis...". Amalie began.

" Fine, don't tell me". Kol retorted, turning around.

But Amalie continued, unfazed," I can't feel my fangs anymore, and I feel my strength has diminished compared to before. Moreover, I don't feel any urge to drink blood anymore".

" Oh no," Kol muttered, rolling his eyes." That means I can't kill people anymore and make the others forget".

" It never stopped you from killing without making anyone forget about it". Amalie said, sweatdropping.

" True, dear sister. Well, let's find that bloody orphanage and investigate a bit". Kol stated, walking away.

Amalie nodded, following her brother through the streets.

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