Chapter VIII

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August 13th, 2003, had finally arrived. On this evening, Kazutora reached out to Baji, proposing a nocturnal escapade through the city—a proposition that Baji readily embraced. Meanwhile, Kol declined a similar offer, stating that he had other plans for the night.

Beneath them, the bike's engine hummed as Kazutora skillfully navigated through the city's streets. Baji, his gaze lazily tracing the passing buildings, eventually broke the silence.

" Hey, Kazutora. Where are we headed ?". Baji's question shattered the quietude.

" Well, Mikey's birthday is just around the corner, right ? We're going to get him a present !". Kazutora replied with contagious enthusiasm.

" A present ? What kind ?". Baji wondered aloud.

" A CB250T". Kazutora declared with a mischievous grin.

Baji's eyes widened at the unexpected revelation. Acquiring a CB250T was no easy feat, and he couldn't help but wonder how Kazutora intended to pull off such an ambitious gift.

" Nobody has one of those". Baji stated as Kazutora paused at a red traffic light.

Kazutora, however, remained silent, captivated by a nearby restaurant where a jubilant family celebrated a young boy's birthday. A bittersweet feeling settled in Kazutora's chest, a poignant contrast to the familial warmth displayed before him.

" Kazutora ?". Baji's voice brought him back to the present.

" Just come on". Kazutora replied tersely, seemingly snapping out of his contemplation.

As the traffic light shifted to green, Kazutora accelerated, swiftly guiding them to a bustling shopping street. They strolled side by side until Kazutora halted in front of a shop named 'S.S MOTORS,' leaving Baji intrigued.

" This is the place". Kazutora declared.

" Here ?". Baji questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Baji's skepticism vanished as he laid eyes on the CB250T displayed in the shop window—a perfect match for Mikey's desires.

" A CB250T". Baji muttered in amazement.

" Let's steal it". Kazutora suggested with a daring smile.

" What ?! We can't steal it !". Baji protested.

" We can't ?". Kazutora repeated, unfazed by Baji's firm denial.

" There's no way Mikey would be happy if we got one that way". Baji reasoned.

" You dumbass. He doesn't need to know the details. The only way middle schoolers like us can get one is if someone older gives one to us or we steal one". Kazutora explained.

Baji frowned at the idea, but Kazutora insisted they grab a meal and wait until the shop closed to execute their plan.

Meanwhile, inside the shop, Amalie emerged from the back, observing Baji and Kazutora walking away.

" Baji and Kazutora ? I wonder what they're doing here". Amalie pondered.

" Okay, Amalie-chan. I finally found the missing pieces from one of the boxes". Shinichiro announced as he emerged from a room.

Amalie nodded, wiping a bit of oil from her cheek as she followed Shinichiro to place the missing piece. Together, they worked diligently, assembling the various parts of the bike.

" We're almost done. We make quite a team, don't we ?". Shinichiro commented, wiping his forehead.

" Right. I'm sure Mikey will be happy. He always wanted to have a CB250T like that one, after all". Amalie said with a smile.

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