Chapter VI

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A couple of weeks had passed since Kol and Amalie had met the friends that Mikey had insisted they get to know. Each of them had a unique character, and they were all genuinely likable. Among them, Kol found a strong connection with Baji, given their similarly wild personalities. 

Amalie, on the other hand, felt a sense of calmness when chatting with Mitsuya and Draken, and she enjoyed spending time with Mikey, whose personality was a delightful mix of childlike innocence and charm.

As the days went by, Kol and Amalie couldn't help but conclude that Pah-chin was, in their opinion, a bit stupid, despite being a nice guy. However, they found a reflection of their own struggles in Kazutora, whose complex family background resonated with their own experiences with Mikael and their mother's volatile actions in the past.

On June 19th, 2003, Amalie and Kol bid farewell to Wakasa and entered the Sano household, where they were supposed to meet Mikey before heading to the Musashi Shrine. Standing in front of the entrance, Amalie was about to ring the doorbell when Kol stopped her with a smirk.

Clearing his throat, he shouted," Mikey ! Come and welcome us now ! Our divine selves have arrived".

Amalie sweatdropped at her brother's theatrics before laughing nervously. 

Mikey's voice echoed from inside," I'm in the bath ! Go in and wait. Ken-chin and Baji are already there".

Kol huffed," That's the only guy who invites people and isn't even here to welcome them".

Amalie chuckled," That's Mikey for you. Let's go inside".

As Kol strolled in nonchalantly, Amalie gave an apologetic smile and followed suit. However, just as Kol wasn't paying attention, Amalie noticed someone approaching and was about to warn him when the collision happened.

The girl gasped, releasing the box she was holding, but Kol swiftly caught it before it hit the ground.

" I'm sorry !". The girl quickly apologized.

" Don't be, darling". Kol replied with a grin, causing the girl to blush deeply.

Amalie rolled her eyes," Sorry about my brother; he lacks tact. I hope you didn't hurt yourself".

The girl shook her head," Not at all".

" I guess you're Mikey's younger sister ? He talked about you to us". Kol informed her.

" Oh, yes ! Now I can see the resemblance. I'm Amalie, and this is my brother Kol". Amalie added.

Emma nodded," Amalie ? He talked about you. It's true; you're as beautiful as he says".

Amalie blushed at the compliment," That's nice of you to say".

Kol narrowed his eyes," And he didn't talk about me at all ? I'm sad now".

Emma responded," I'm sorry ! He did mention you as the annoying protective brother".

Kol's eyes twitched," Oh, did he now ? He'll see...".

Seeing the girl a bit afraid, Amalie intervened," And you ? What's your name ?".

" Emma. I'm Mikey's younger sister". She replied.

Kol nodded," You have a beautiful name there".

" Thanks...". Emma muttered, her cheeks flushed.

Amalie, glancing around, asked," Are you cleaning alone ?".

" Grandpa's old". Emma explained, trying to take back the box.

Kol grinned," That's okay, Goldie. Show me where I should take it".

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