Chapter V

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Two years had elapsed since Kol and Amalie integrated into the Imaushi family, and the year was now 2002. Their parents spent three months at home before embarking on a business trip, realizing that they had stumbled upon an exceptional family. 

Wakasa, in particular, went above and beyond, not only looking after them but also initiating the project he had discussed, resulting in both siblings training regularly.

They had the opportunity to meet Wakasa's friend, Keizo Arashi, also known as Benkei. He proved to be an excellent training partner for Kol, especially when it came to sparring. True to his promise, Wakasa divided his time between fishing with Kol and teaching Amalie how to ride a bike. The gift of two motorcycles from Wakasa for his siblings added an unexpected layer of excitement to Amalie's life.

Despite the positive changes, over these two years, the siblings lost contact with Izana and Kakucho. The sudden disappearance saddened them initially, especially Kol, who struggled to admit it. However, they came to the realization that not all friendships stand the test of time.

And on this particular day, Amalie headed towards the park to find Kol, who had left for the shop in the morning. Initially enthusiastic about walking, Kol quickly changed his mind, prompting an eye roll from Amalie when he called to pick him up. It was a typical display of his indecision.

As Amalie waited at a red traffic light, she overheard a lively conversation nearby. A boy with a dragon tattoo emphatically refused to turn back for more dorayaki, causing his shorter companion to pout. Amalie couldn't help but notice the impressive motorcycle the tattooed boy was riding, causing Amalie to smirk.

A smirk that was concealed by the helmet Wakasa insisted she wear, to prevent her from having an accident. After all, she no longer had any of the abilities that made it easier for her to heal. So she accepted the helmet without hesitation.

When the light turned green, Amalie performed a skillful maneuver, lifting her bike slightly with one wheel, catching the attention of the two boys. Their dumbfounded expressions amused her. While doing this, she stood up on her bike before waving at them as she left.

" Impressive that a shorty managed to do that". The taller boy remarked.

" Hey, Ken-chin... Can you follow them ?". His friend, Mikey wondered as he stared at the figure disappearing from their views.

" Huh ? What for, Mikey ?". Ken Ryuguji or known as Draken, asked.

" Come on, we're going to lose them". Manjiro Sano or aka Mikey replied.

Draken reluctantly accelerated, determined not to lose sight of the mysterious biker ahead. The skill displayed intrigued him. Was this person a professional ? Doubts lingered in Draken's mind, fueled by the size of the bike and the rider.

As the bike finally came to a stop, the person dismounted, unaware of Draken's approaching bike. Draken asked," So ? What now, Mikey ?".

However, Mikey remained silent, focusing his gaze on the person securing their bike. Gasps escaped both boys as the person removed their helmet.

" That's a girl ?!". Mikey and Draken exclaimed in disbelief.

Overhearing their reaction, Amalie raised an eyebrow, puzzled by why these two boys had followed her. Was it her earlier provocation that piqued their interest ? Ready for a potential confrontation, she couldn't care less about the opponent; she was ready to fight, no matter what.

To her surprise, the shorter boy approached her, ignoring his friend's call to come back.

" What do you want ?". Amalie demanded, crossing her arms.

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