Chapter VII

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As the summer of 2003 unfolded, Mitsuya poured his heart and soul into meticulously crafting the uniforms. With unwavering dedication, he worked tirelessly until the project reached its zenith. Once the final stitch was in place, Mikey summoned everyone to gather inside a quaint coffee shop.

" Be careful on your way out, 'kay ?". Wakasa cautioned with his trademark lazy expression as Kol and Amalie exited the house.

" Don't worry about us". Amalie reassured, gracefully stepping out.

" See ya tonight". Kol chimed in, following her lead.

Positioned next to their bikes, ready to embark on their journey, Amalie looked up at Kol," Did you pack everything ?". She asked.

Kol nodded confidently," I did".

Amalie wore a small smile before mounting her bike, with Kol mirroring her actions. Together, they set off on the road.

" Hey, I wonder what Elijah, Nik, and Rebekah would think about all this". Amalie pondered aloud.

Kol casually shrugged," Without a doubt, Rebekah and Elijah would find all this ridiculous. And Niklaus... Well, he always did have a penchant for violence, right ?".

Amalie couldn't help but scoff," True".

In the quiet moments of their journey, the siblings often found their thoughts drifting back to the family they left behind. Despite Kol's apparent distance in his final moments, Amalie sensed a lingering, profound care for their kin.

The ride didn't last long before they reached the rendezvous point – a cozy coffee shop. Parking their bikes, they walked in to find Mikey, Draken, Pah-chin, and Mitsuya already present.

" Yo". Kol greeted.

" Hey, Amalie, Kol. You finally made it". Mitsuya acknowledged.

" Sorry for being late, but Wakasa insisted we have a big breakfast". Amalie explained as she settled down next to Mikey, who seemed to be eyeing the dessert Pah-chin had ordered.

Kol huffed," I swear, sometimes I don't know if he's our mom or our brother".

Draken chuckled," Well, he does take care of you two well".

" True. Hey, Mikey, would you stop eyeing that dessert like that ? It's creepy". Kol teased.

Mikey pouted, his gaze fixed on the dessert, prompting Amalie to sigh," Hey, Pah, maybe let him take a small bite; otherwise, I fear he'll never stop".

" Oh, right. Just a little". Pah-chin acquiesced, passing Mikey his chocolate parfait.

Mikey's eyes gleamed." Thank you !".

Amalie chuckled, leaning her face against her hand. The door creaked open, revealing Baji and Kazutora.

" Ah, Kazutora, Baji ! What happened to your faces ?". Amalie inquired, her expression reflecting bewilderment.

" Sorry we're late. Baji decided to take on some punks". Kazutora explained with a sly smile.

 Kazutora explained with a sly smile

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