Chapter XXII

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Breathless and weary from the journey, Takemichi finally reached his destination just as the sun dipped below the horizon. In front of the salon, a man with glasses and a bag emerged.

" See you". The man said.

" See you tomorrow !". Someone replied.

" Make sure to lock up when you're done cleaning, Sendo". The man instructed.

" Yes, sir !". Sendo replied as his boss departed.

Tears welled up in Takemichi's eyes as he recognized his friend in front of him," Akkun !".

" Yo. What's your problem, Takemichi ? Don't yell like that". Atsushi said, sweatdropping at Takemichi's emotional outburst.

Even in this timeline, Atsushi looked nothing like the man Takemichi had met before. His eyes were brighter, devoid of tattoos, and, most notably, he didn't exude fatigue.

" Come in already". Atsushi said with a warm smile.

Takemichi followed inside, taking a seat as he watched Atsushi deftly wield the vacuum.

" Just sit tight until I'm finished cleaning". Atsushi said.

" O-okay. Um, Akkun, did you become a hairstylist ?". Takemichi inquired.

" Huh ? I'm still in training ! I told you I was just an assistant. My boss had me stuck doing menial labor every single day ! I called you here today because next month, I'll finally be allowed to cut people's hair. And I wanted a haircut model. So you'll be my first customer ! You know, like we promised ?". Atsushi replied with a mischievous grin as he cleaned the window.

Takemichi, once again, began to cry upon hearing that.

" What ? You didn't forget, did you ?". Atsushi asked playfully.

" Hell no ! Like I'd forget !". Takemichi responded, tears streaming down his face.

" Huh ? You crying ?". Atsushi wondered with confusion.

" Dumbass ! I'm not crying !". Takemichi retorted, hastily wiping away his tears.

" Always the crybaby, huh, Takemichi ?". Atsushi joked with a gentle smile.

Takemichi trembled as tears of happiness fell down, realizing that he had truly changed the future.

" Takemichi, your phone's ringing". Atsushi stated, breaking him from his thoughts.

" I don't know this number... Hello ?". Takemichi said as he took the call.

" Looks like you succeeded". Someone told him over the phone.

Takemichi had a deadpan expression," Huh ? Who's this ?".

" And you just got back from the past". The man said over the phone.

" Naoto ?!". Takemichi exclaimed as his eyes widened.

" That's incredible ! You really did it ! Everything has changed ! Takemichi-kun, let's go see my sister". Naoto told him over the phone.

Takemichi quickly apologized to Atsushi, giving Naoto his location before leaving the hair salon. It wasn't long before Naoto arrived to pick him up, and Takemichi reflected on how far he'd come to get here.

" When I checked, I discovered that the incident that claimed my sister's life never occurred in the first place". Naoto stated as he drove.

" The Toman dispute ?". Takemichi asked for clarification.

Naoto nodded," Yes. I never imagined you'd pull it off, Takemichi-kun".

" Huh ? What's that supposed to mean ?". Takemichi demanded with a deadpan expression.

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