Chapter XVII

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The subsequent days unfolded in an unnerving chill for Amalie and Kol. Emma, teary-eyed, sought refuge in their home, divulging the distressing news that Mikey and Draken were locked in a bitter dispute sparked by Pah's arrest.

Mikey, driven by an unwavering determination to liberate Pah, clashed with Draken, who staunchly opposed any intervention, convinced that Pah's surrender to the police should be respected. Despite their affection for Pah, Amalie and Kol reluctantly sided with Draken. They too wanted to respect Pah's choice. However, Kol, typically averse to prolonged conflicts, feigned nonchalance while seething at the brewing discord.

Amalie attempted to mediate, but her efforts were in vain against the unyielding stubbornness of Mikey and Draken. Entrapped in their heated exchange, she found herself abruptly shut out by Draken, who chose silence over dialogue.

Amalie keenly observed that the rift between Mikey and Draken was causing a pervasive schism within Toman. The two boys, blinded by their disagreement, failed to grasp the wider repercussions, oblivious to the fact that their feud was pulling the entire gang into the tumult.

Today, as Amalie arrived at Takemichi's abode, she rapped gently on his room door and entered to find him engrossed in a sizable puzzle alongside his friends.

" Hi, I hope I'm not intruding, Takemitchy". Amalie greeted.

" Amalie-chan ! No, not at all ! I'm relieved to see you're okay ! Emma-chan had me worried, saying you ended up in the hospital because of your arm". Takemichi replied, genuine surprise in his voice.

Amalie closed the door quietly, taking a seat next to Takemichi," You needn't have worried. It was challenging, but I managed. Oh, and I brought you a basket of food. I had some free time this morning, with Kol out accompanying Baji, so I decided to put it together. Feel free to share with your friends".

" Oh, that's incredibly kind, Amalie-chan. You—". Takemichi's words trailed off.

Before he could finish, Yamagishi and Makoto approached Amalie, mimicking knights in a chivalrous display.

" Many thanks. I am at your service; my name is Makoto Suzuki". Makoto proclaimed, his eyes gleaming with admiration.

Yamagishi mirrored the gesture, stating," And I'm Kazushi Yamagishi. Consider us your loyal subjects, my queen".

Slightly overwhelmed, Amalie sweatdropped, muttering," I really don't want that...".

Akkun sighed, gently pulling his two enthusiastic friends behind him, causing them to squeal," Apologies for them. I'm Atsushi, but here, they call me Akkun".

" And I'm Takuya Yamamoto". The blond-haired boy introduced himself politely.

" Nice to meet you all. You've probably heard my name already, but I am Amalie. So, how are you, Takemitchy ?". Amalie inquired with a warm smile.

" I'm all good now". Takemichi replied, his smile mirroring hers.

" When Tachibana told me you'd been hospitalized, Takemichi... It really scared me". Atsushi confessed.

Amalie nodded," You scared everyone, you know".

Takemichi's eyes widened as he noticed Yamagishi and Makoto eyeing a puzzle on the table," Yamagishi ! Makoto ! Don't touch that ! It took me three days to finish that !".

" Wow". Makoto sweatdropped.

" Must've had a lot of free time". Yamagishi deadpanned.

" I couldn't help it ! Doc said I couldn't leave the house !". Takemichi replied, a tinge of embarrassment in his voice.

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