Chapter II

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Nearly a month had elapsed since the siblings arrived in this perplexing new world. They were taken aback to discover that it was the year 1999, a stark contrast to the 2010 timeline they knew from Mystic Falls. The inexplicable temporal shift left them baffled, struggling to comprehend the peculiar circumstances that had brought them to this unfamiliar place.

In this enigmatic setting, many elements remained shrouded in mystery. The inhabitants of the orphanage seemed well-acquainted with the siblings, yet the siblings found themselves strangers in a strange land. Kol theorized that perhaps a mystical force had orchestrated their arrival.

The siblings, having lost their vampire abilities, now dedicated their time to honing the magical powers they retained. Despite the absence of a grimoire, Kol's innate magical prowess proved invaluable, facilitating their practice sessions and making the process less arduous.

Amalie couldn't help but wish that their absent siblings could witness Kol's transformation. While his unpredictable nature persisted, an underlying sense of calmness and happiness now defined him. Was it the restoration of his beloved powers, or the absence of vampirism, that accounted for this change ?

On this particular day, their quest led them to search for Izana, who had uncharacteristically disappeared in the morning. Despite Kol's assurances, Amalie harbored a nagging sense of unease. Izana was their friend, and if he faced any problems, Amalie was determined to offer assistance, dragging Kol along in her wake.

As they strolled through the streets, Amalie suddenly halted, a furrow forming on her brow.

" What is it ?". Kol inquired, raising an eyebrow.

" I remember Izana expressing a lot of anger towards the leader, the one who attacked him before our arrival". Amalie explained.

" Okay, and ?". Kol pressed for more information.

" I think he might have gone after him". Amalie suggested.

" Revenge, huh ? Talk about holding a grudge". Kol muttered.

Amalie shot him a deadpan look," Says you".

Kol scoffed, hands on his hips," You're not better than me with this too... Okay, let's go. They can't have gone too far. That little troublemaker was in the other orphanage, if I recall correctly".

Agreeing, the two swiftly made their way towards the presumed location of Izana and his adversary.

Upon reaching the building, they noticed an absence of adults near the entrance, prompting them to rush inside. A distant noise drew them to a slightly ajar door, where Kol and Amalie discreetly peeked inside, witnessing a white-haired boy standing over another, his eyes devoid of light.

" As long as you live, I'll disable all your friends, your family, and everyone involved with you". Izana declared.

Amalie couldn't help but draw a parallel between Izana's intensity and Kol's or Niklaus' vampire days.

" Well, you could have invited me to the party". Kol remarked, casually entering the room.

Izana turned with a frown," Amy, Kol ? What the hell are you two doing here ?".

" You suddenly left, so we got a little worried". Amalie replied.

" I don't need you two. Get out; that's my business". Izana retorted sharply.

Amalie shook her head, flicking his forehead," Stop talking nonsense. What about the boy, Kol ?".

" He's barely breathing. You've got two choices, buddy : let him die here or save him". Kol challenged, locking eyes with Izana.

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