Chapter XIV

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After the intense meeting, Kol guided Amalie to the police station, joined by Mikey, Draken, and Emma, all insistent on being part of this moment. Grateful that Kiku was already occupied with other responsibilities, Amalie didn't want to burden her further. On the other hand, Wakasa declared his unwavering commitment to ensuring the perpetrators behind his sister's drugging were brought to justice.

But the immediate plans diverged as the day after the meeting, Mikey, driven by a sudden craving, insisted on an early lunch at his favorite restaurant. Simultaneously, Kol expressed a desire to engage in some rigorous training at Wakasa's gym. With the effects of the ordeal still lingering, Kol entrusted Draken with escorting Amalie to the restaurant, unwilling to let her navigate the streets alone.

" Mikey sure likes an early lunch... It's only eleven o'clock". Amalie observed with a wry smile.

" Heh, you know him. How are you feeling ?". Draken inquired.

" A bit nauseous, but I'll manage". Amalie replied.

" Take it easy today, okay ?". Draken advised.

Before Amalie could respond, their conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice.

" Draken-kun ! Amalie-chan !".

They turned to find Takemichi approaching, appearing somewhat breathless, as if he had sprinted to catch up with them.

" Hey, Takemitchy. What brings you here ?". Amalie greeted.

" Is Kol-kun not with you today ?". Takemichi inquired, glancing around.

" He's with our big brother today. Why ?". Amalie clarified.

" I know this might sound sudden, but could I be your bodyguard, Draken-kun ? And maybe... you could put in a word for me with Kol-kun ?". Takemichi asked, determination in his eyes.

Draken and Amalie exchanged puzzled glances, struggling to fathom why Takemichi would suddenly aspire to be Kol's and his bodyguard.

" Bodyguard ? No way". Draken responded.

" And my dear brother won't entertain the idea of you being his bodyguard, Takemitchy". Amalie added.

Takemichi bowed, seemingly accepting the response. However, as he straightened up, realization struck him.

" Wait. What did you just say ?". Takemichi asked with a deadpan expression.

" A bodyguard would be too much. I can handle things on my own, anyway. Besides, do you even have any skills in that area ?". Draken retorted.

" Yes, you may lack a bit of combat experience... it's like a goldfish wanting to protect a shark". Amalie teased.

Draken casually draped his arms around Amalie's shoulders, leading her away, leaving Takemichi looking as if he had been struck in the heart by their words.

Amalie and Draken ambled through the streets for a few minutes, an easy silence enveloping them. Yet, as they continued, Amalie discreetly cleared her throat, noticing that Draken's proximity had unintentionally increased. Though she didn't mind, a subtle blush tinged her cheeks, and a hint of self-consciousness crept in.

Draken, catching on, raised an eyebrow as his eyes widened, a slight flush coloring his cheeks. Quickly, he shifted his gaze towards the sky, feigning a thoughtful expression.

" Sorry 'bout that". He mumbled, a note of embarrassment in his tone.

" That's okay. Ah, there it is—the little restaurant where Mikey likes to hang out". Amalie pointed out.

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