Chapter 3: Hurt

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TW: self-harm

The dance class was almost finished; the members had to form their ending formation. But as Doyoung moved, he tripped on someone's foot and fell.


Doyoung: "Argh... " he groaned in pain.

Junghwan: "OUCH!..." "Seriously, what is your problem, Doyoung?! Can't you watch where you're going!"

Jeongwoo: "Calm down, please; I'm sure it wasn't on purpose..."

Doyoung glanced at his ankle, grasping it tightly as a look of pain crossed his face. Although he didn't want to cry in front of his fellow members, the pain was becoming unbearable, and he struggled to control his emotions in recent weeks.

Junghwan, frustrated with the situation, exclaimed: "I'm tired of this. It's always the same old shit!"

Junkyu quickly interjected: "Watch your language, Junghwan-ah."

In response, the youngest member rolled his eyes and stormed off to sit on one of the benches, with Haruto following close behind.

The dance teacher said: "I think it's best if we stop the practice for today. Don't forget to practice it till next time."

After finishing his class, the dance teacher gathered his belongings and said goodbye to everyone. Before leaving, he asked Junkyu to inquire about Doyoung's ankle to ensure he was okay.

Doyoung's POV

Junkyu, who was nearby, rushed to his aid and helped him get off the ground.

"Are you okay, Doyoung?" Junkyu asked worriedly.

Doyoung winced in pain. "No, I think I twisted my ankle. I can't walk properly."

Junkyu nodded and helped Doyoung stand up: "Let me help you get to the clinic. We can't let this go untreated."

Together, they slowly made their way to the clinic of their agency. Doyoung leaned on Junkyu for support, and Junkyu held him up, ensuring he didn't fall.

As they walked, they started talking about Jungwhan's recent outburst. Junkyu had witnessed Junghwan lashing out at Doyoung during practice, and he couldn't understand why Junghwan was so angry.

"I don't get it," Junkyu said, shaking his head. "Why is Jungwhan so mad at you? You didn't do anything wrong."

Doyoung sighed: "I don't know, Junkyu. I think he's just stressed out about the comeback".

Junkyu nodded in agreement: "I know, but it's not fair to take it out on you like that."

Junkyu turned to Doyoung: "Listen, Junghwan is your friend, but you must stand up for yourself. You can't let him treat you like that. You deserve better."

Doyoung smiled gratefully at Junkyu: "Thanks, Junkyu. You're a good friend."

Junkyu smiled back. "Of course, Doyoung. That's what friends are for."

AT THE CLINIC (TW: mentions of self-harm)

Junkyu waited in the waiting room while Doyoung was taken into the examination room.

The doctor examined Doyoung's ankle and asked him to remove his pants so she could check for any other bruises or injuries on his legs. Doyoung nervously took off his pants as the doctor had requested. "I don't think I want to do this," he said, feeling vulnerable.

"It's okay," the doctor reassured him. "I just want to ensure there aren't any other injuries."

As she examined his legs, she felt a strange texture on Doyoung's inner thighs. "What is that?" she asked herself, feeling concerned.

Doyoung seemed to be lost in thought, staring out the window. He didn't notice the doctor's expression change as she realised what she had found.


Junkyu was waiting outside the examination room, tapping his foot impatiently. When Doyoung finally came out, limping: "What's up?" he asked, putting a hand on Doyoung's shoulder.

The doctor looked at Junkyu and said, "I need to talk to you."

He followed her, and the doctor sat him down. "I found bruises on Doyoung's inner thighs," she said, her voice gentle. "They're self-inflicted."

Junkyu's eyes widened in shock. "What? Why would he do that?" he asked.

He looked at the doctor and asked, "Is there anything we can do to help him?"

The doctor gave him some information on therapy and counselling services that could help Doyoung cope with his issues. "It's important that he gets help as soon as possible," she said.


As Junkyu and Doyoung left the clinic, Junkyu asked Doyoung, "So what happened to your ankle?".

Doyoung shrugged: "It's twisted. The doctor said it's not too serious, but it still hurts."

Junkyu nodded but couldn't shake the feeling that something else was bothering his friend. As they returned to their dorms, he decided to wait and see if Doyoung would bring it up.

Once in the dorms, they headed to the kitchen to make food. Junkyu watched as Doyoung moved around, trying to hide the discomfort in his ankle.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Junkyu finally asked.

Doyoung sighed: "Honestly, not really. My ankle hurts, but that's not bothering me."

Junkyu nodded: "I had a feeling. Do you want to talk about it?"

Doyoung hesitated for a moment before nodding. He told Junkyu about the pressure he was feeling with their upcoming comeback, the long hours of rehearsals and the expectations placed upon them as a group.

Still, Junkyu knew it wasn't just that; Doyoung seemed lost. 

I hope you liked this episode. Don't forget to like and comment ;))

The chapters will, from now on, become a bit more angsty. I hope you like Junkyu's and Doyoung's friendship because they will be close in this story. 

(English is not my first language; sorry for the mistakes) 

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