~Return to Murder House~

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Amber's POV:

Although my mother, Zoe, Queenie and Myrtle do return home to the academy, I do happen to notice the absence of Madison. I find it odd, since the last time she was really 'out and about' was that horrible frat party that Zoe told me about years ago.

I am, of course, curious as to find this out myself. I put myself in my room and lock the doors. I do a certain spell that would tell me the whereabouts of Madison, and I would be able to follow her, unseen and unheard, until she returns home here in Louisiana.

As I put myself under the influence of the tracing spell, I feel my eyes close and my body float up in midair. I am shocked to find out that she didn't just go alone, but she is there with Behold.

They are in this mansion looking house in California. Madison, "I've never seen this spell before." Behold, "These spirits do not want to be seen by us. We are trespassers in their home, and if we want to talk to them, we're gonna have to force them out of hiding."

Madison, "Boy Supreme's family died here. If anyone has the goods on Michael, it's them." She must've meant Langdon, as I heard from mom that he passed all seven tests that are in the Seven Wonders.

I think to myself, 'So,that's his name.' I didn't realize that up until this point that I never knew his first name, as I've always referred to him as his last name- the only name of his that was ever given.

Behold admits, "It's the others I'm worried about. This place is more crowded than a French youth hostel. Who knows what we're waking into? Okay...Let's see if this works. My powers have been off since we stepped into this place."

Both Madison and Behold close their eyes and perform the incantation in perfect unison. The candles flicker themselves off, and they stop chanting. The floor creaks as Madison asks, "Did it work?" Behold doesn't know what to say until he sees a spirit of a woman walk into the bathroom. He turns back to Madison and says, "We're in."

At first, they see a shaggy blonde haired teenage boy in a green striped sweater, levi blue pants and black converse sneakers, sitting on a black leather couch talking to another man, tall with black hair, wearing a dark blue shirt, black pants and shoes, who has a paper notebook in his hands and lap.

The teenage boy yells, "I've told you this a million times. You're my psychiatrist. You're supposed to help me." The grown man admits, "I have helped you. We've had daily sessions going on for years now."

The teenager shares his feelings with the man, "I feel like the only reason you're talking to me is because your wife refuses to talk to you." The grown man doesn't want to discuss the issue, "Let's leave her out of this." The teenager changes the subject, "Well, then let's talk about your daughter, because that's what I really need your help with. It's torture. Can you just talk to her?"

The grown man responds with, "What do you want me to say? You set fire to your mom's boyfriend, you shot and killed over a dozen kids in high school, you helped kill her parents, plus, you impregnated her mother. Any one of those things would be reason enough..."

The teenage boy admits, "I'm different now. Yeah, I'm, you know, I'm dead, and I'm hot, and I know she has feelings for me." That is when their session ends, and it is where both Madison and Behold enter the room, "You're not so hot."

Both of the men in the room turn their attention to the two newcomers, "That's right. You can see us and we can see you." The grown man asks, "Who are you?"

Behold answers, "I'm Behold Chablis. This is Madison Montgomery. You are Ben Harmon. You killed yourself in this house several years ago after your wife died in childbirth." I think to myself, 'Behold certainly did his research before he came to this house.'

Ben is confused, "What are you talking about? I didn't kill myself. I was murdered." The teenage boy is just as confused as Ben, "What the fuck is going on here? We decide when we want to be seen."

Madison states, "Not anymore. You're looking at two powerful witches. And the spell we cast is just a small demonstration of what we can do. So, if you don't want any more disruptions, you're gonna have to answer some hard questions about Michael Langdon."

It is like time stands still in that room from the very moment she mentions his name, but when she did mention his name, I can feel the goosebumps on my arms appear, and I have to ignore the cold feeling that it gives me, so that I can focus on this spell.

Ben, "What are you going to do, make us more dead?" The 18 year old teenager says, "Even people protected by magic aren't safe in this house. I'd watch my ass if I were you." I keep that in mind, but I am so glad neither the living nor the dead can see me at this point.

Madison sighs as she turns back to Ben, after the boy leaves the room, "Look, it's very important. Our coven bought you a goddamn house so nobody will come to bother you ever again."

Ben refuses to talk, "Sorry, you got me at a bad time. I'm busy." Behold states, "You're dead." Then asks, "What do you have to do?" Ben states, "I got to look out the window and cry while I masturbate. It's my daily thing." He walks out of the room, and I don't know whether to pity him or feel repulsed by him.

Just then, a creature with a disfigured face jumps out and scares the shit out of Madison. As the creature straddles her, she screams, "Get the fuck off of me!" Behold goes to help her, "Be gone!"

A woman's hand holds his outstretched arm, "You don't want to do that. You'll have a house full of spirits coming after you, and they aren't all as gentle as this one." She throws Beau the ball and he chases after it again, like a little puppy.

I almost gasp as this woman can be the doppelgänger of my mother, as she looks exactly like her. Madison, "Who the hell are you?" The woman, whom resembles my mother answers, "A friend of the house and its residents. They don't take kindly to strangers."

Behold asks her, "You ain't dead?" She reassures him, "Oh honey. I'm one of the few live ones they let come and go." She turns towards Madison, "And you are Madison Montgomery." Madison asks, "Oh, have you seen my movies? I have fans everywhere."

The woman answers her with, "No. I've known a few Montgomery's in my time, but it's not every day that I see a witch." Behold asks her, "What are you?" She introduces herself, "Billie Dean Howard. Medium to the stars."

Madison asks, "So, you're like, a shitty Ms. Cleo?" Billie can't help but become offended at Madison's comment and question, "Excuse me?" Another woman's voice enters the room from the staircase, "Now, who do you think you are, coming in here, swanning around, spewing vulgarities?"

This woman has her golden blonde hair up and she is wearing accessories like her pearl stud earrings. She is wearing a purple flower dress and she holds a dimly lit cigarette between her two fingers. She stops at the top of the stairs, as she asks them the question.

Madison states, "We're the new owners" then she asks the woman, "Who are you?"

The older woman answers her with, "I'm Constance Langdon. And this...is my fucking house."

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