-Fear and Love-

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Amber's POV:

I walk into the sheriff station when I hear Regina say, "Are you missing the part where she's with the Snow Queen? Emma, you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?"

Emma, "Apparently my run-in with her in town wasn't the only memory she erased. All this time in this foster home...it's gone." Belle agrees to help in the library, and Elsa is going to go with her.

Emma, Regina, Hook and I storm that ice cream truck of the Snow Queen's and I find a file, "Emma, looks like the Dairy Queen's been following you for a long time." It is that newspaper article about Emma, when she was found on the side of the road as a baby. Regina, "Since before foster care?" Emma, "Since I landed in this world."

I open a file later, "According to this, she was our foster mother for six months?" Emma, "Our?" I say, "Yeah, I guess I was a baby when she took me in. I wasn't there for very long, because then Ariel and Eric adopted me."

She tells me, "That I remember." Emma and I look at each other, "We are foster sisters." I gasp and she does too. Hook and her then get into a discussion, "Believe it or not, I was a child once" I ask, "What like 200 million years ago or something?" He smacks me on the back of my head playfully, "Ow!" We all smile.

Emma and I can only wonder one thing: 'What the hell was she doing with us? At the station, Elsa came back with a lot of evidence, "The Snow Queen is your aunt?" Emma asks.

Elsa, "According to this heraldry book I found in the library. Her name is Ingrid. I didn't even know that my mother had any sisters. I'm as surprised as you two are." Hook, "Spend a little time in this town, and you'll realize that everyone is related."

Elsa, "This book traces the lineage in Arendelle for generations. That's Gerda, my mother. And this is Helga, my other aunt." Hook comes across another theory, I say, "She came to this world looking for blondes? There's a lot more than just us."

Elsa, "She was looking for the savior and the survivor. This scroll. It's a prophecy. It says that the name of the savior is Emma. The name of the survivor is Amber." I ask, "She knew?"

Elsa, "It says that the survivor and the savior shall become Ingrid's sisters. My mother died, and her other sister isn't around anymore. I think Ingrid believes in this prophecy. I think she's trying to replace them."

Belle, "What makes you think that she'd spare you, Elsa and Amber?" Emma, "Because of this" Elsa, "She wants it to be the four of us." I say, "Her perfect family."

-That next day-

Elsa, "Maybe without her powers we can talk to her. Find Anna. Get some real answers." Emma, "Your sister have magic?" Elsa, "No. Does anyone in your family have magic?" Emma says, "No."

Later, the Snow Queen attacks Emma, and both Elsa and I meet her up there in the clock tower. I say, "Do it!" Elsa, "Emma, now!" Emma is successful in trapping the Snow Queen, with handcuffs that are once magical, but then become real. Elsa and I smile as we hug Emma, "You did it" Emma is shocked, "Yeah, I guess I did." The Snow Queen simply says, "You got me."

I walk into the interrogation room when Elsa says, "We don't care what you want. Where is Anna? We know that she's alive. We heard her heartbeat." She puts on this show of fake care about what Elsa has just told her.

Snow Queen, "Sounds like someone is grasping at straws about their long lost sister" I ask, "What happened to her?" Snow Queen, "I'm not sure that you should care. After all, Elsa, she's the one who put you in that urn. I don't know why you would want to find someone like that."

Elsa, "Because she is my sister and she would never do what you say" SQ, "Or she's your sister and you, wait... she did exactly as I said." Elsa shouts, "No!" I say, "Elsa, calm down. You are allowing her to get under your skin. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment."

Emma, "If we want answers, we have to be calm" Elsa, "She knows what happened to Anna" I say, "And we are going to figure it all out." Then it is just her, Emma and I in the room together.

SQ, "We're not friends, we're family, Emma, Amber." Emma, "It ain't gonna happen, sister." Ingrid, "At the end of the day, you both will understand that everything I've said is true. And then you'll do the last thing you'd think possible right now."

I ask, "Yeah, what's that?" SQ, "You are going to let me go. Now, what would you both like to talk about?" I ask, "Shattered sight. Impressive stuff" SQ, "Why does it matter? You stopped me, Emma."

Emma, "That's right. I did. We both know who you are. We know what you're planning. We know for some sick, twisted reason, you want me, Elsa and Amber to replace your long lost sisters."

SQ, "May I return to my cell now?" Emma, "No, I want to know why. Why have you been tracking me my whole life" I intervene, "I would like to know that same thing, but with me."

SQ, "I was trying to protect you, girls" Emma, "Is that what you were doing with us in the foster home? Protecting us? Why did you erase our memories? Because they were just too good?"

SQ, "Every family has their ups and downs" I stand, "No, no. We are not family. I have one of those. As does Emma." Emma, "It spans three generations and 400 years."

SQ, "Family isn't about blood. It is a bond far stronger than mere genetics. Elsa and I are your real family because we are the only ones like the both of you. We belong together. The families that you think you both have. They may love you, but they also fear you."

I say, "Lie" Emma, "No, they don't." SQ asks, "You've never seen them wince at your powers? You've never seen a twinge of panic just behind their eyes? I find that hard to believe." Emma, "They love us for who we are, including our powers." SQ, "I thought that once too, girls."

I then ask everyone else, "Why would the Snow Queen risk coming all the way out here to plant a fake mirror?" David says, "Because she wanted to get caught" Hook and David both run after that.

I then let Emma speak with the Snow Queen in the interrogation room alone. I bust in there just when the Snow Queen frees herself from the room, "The monster that did this was not the Snow Queen. It was me."

Emma then takes her car and runs away, "Emma!" I shout after her. Leaving me there, standing in the middle of Main Street, feeling defeated.

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