~Hard Day's Night~

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Amber's POV:

-The next morning-

As I wake up, I look at my phone to see that it is...that day. One of the days that I have a hard time getting through.

I don't feel like sleeping anymore, or eating anything. I don't even want to leave my room today, but it becomes clear to me very quickly that the universe has other plans.

I hear a knock on the other side of the door, "Amber? Amber? It's me, Michael. Can I come in?" He asks me. I answer him with, "Yes." He cranks the handles of the double doors that lead into my bedroom open, and he sees my current state of distress.

His eyes widen with worry, "Amber?" He quickly shuts the doors and rushes to my body that is lying in my bed, underneath my covers, "Amber? What is wrong?"

I decide to sit up and wipe away the tears that have already fallen from my eyes. He helps me sit up in my bed, and position my main pillow against my back, so that I can sit up in comfort.

I put my hand on top of his, he rests his on mine, and he leans in close to me, like he is about to learn something important. I begin by telling him, "I got home from school around four that day. Of course, I went, and then I had practice after and a studying session."

I continue, "But, my tutor that day, got sick, and cancelled, so I got to come home earlier than I thought. My stepmom, she and her children were all gone still, with sport team practices and clubs. It was only me, Lola and Casen at the house. Her boyfriend, was coming home from Fort Worth."

I continue, "I really wanted to take a shower and shampoo my hair, after the day I had. When I got home, I was surprised, because his car was in the driveway, and I remember him telling my stepmom that he wouldn't be home until after four."

I tell him, "When I went inside the house, I heard a noise coming from the back of the house. From the master bedroom. I put my stuff in my room, and then I run to the room to see what is going on."

I look at Michael as I say, "There was something against the door, and I had to push." My eyes widen, "And, it was Casen. He crumbled to the floor and covered his eyes." My eyes widen with tears as I tell him what happens next, "And...he...had...Lola...on the bed."

I try to gather myself together, "I flew at him. I wanted to kill him and I would have. I hit him twice, then he switched from Lola...to me. She blacked out after he threw her at the wall. He punched me so hard in the face while he was above me."

I admit, "You know, he went after Casen first, trying to brutally beat him, and then Casen threw up on him. Then that's when Lola came in." He takes me into his arms, as I begin to cry massively, "How did he find me, Michael? How'd a man like that find me and my siblings?"

I ask him, "How did he know that he could do such a thing to us? He had to be looking!" I tell him, "He was looking for women, like my stepmother, who were alone, with children, and women, who were stupid!"

I admit, "And, we saw through him. We could tell that he was evil. And all she saw was a new Mercedes car!" He holds my crying face in his hands, as our foreheads rest against each other, "What am I going to tell them? What am I gonna say to Lola and Casen when they ask me why this happened to them? What am I supposed to say?"

He hugs me again, as he holds my head with a supporting hand, "They are going to ask you about it. I'm so sorry this happened to you, Amber." I tell him, "Don't do that."

He asks me, "Don't do what?" I tell him, "Don't give me the, 'Oh, Amber, I'm so sorry for you' talk. I don't need the pity talk." He tells me, "Amber, this is far from a pity talk. You told me something that has affected you, but I want to let you know that I'm here for you. You don't have to go through this alone."

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