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Amber's POV:

-The next day-

Mary Margaret and I walk into Emma's house, "Oh great. You're up." I say, "It's wedding planning time!" She is shocked to see us, "Mom...Amber..." Killian, "Your mother has a key. Good to know."

Mary, "I know we're a little early, but we woke up this morning, and it just hit me." Mary Margaret and I notice the scene, "Are we interrupting something?" At the same time: Emma, "No!" Killian, "Yes!"

Emma, "Mom, Amber. As much as I love our unexpected visits, is there something pressing today?" I hold up a binder, "Wedding planning." I let them have their mother and daughter moment, as I began to eat some pancakes that Emma was heating up, until we had to leave...

Zelena, "I was about to ring her scrawny, little neck and then she just poofed away" Emma, "Makes sense she's headed to the dwarf tunnels. It's the easy place to hide." David, "There are miles of them below Storybrooke. Pinning her down in there won't be easy."

I say, "When has dealing with her ever been an easy task?" Regina nods to me, "She has a point. The good news is, whatever her plan was for the Final Battle, she needs help. Which means, we have time to figure out how to stop her."

I nod my head, "Right." Hook, "Perhaps that's where this piece of wand comes in. Tiger Lily said it had been used to banish the Black Fairy once. If we can find the other half, perhaps we can do it again."

I say, "It's definitely is an idea." Snow, "So, where do we look?" Zelena scoffs, "I'm not waiting around for some piece of wand. The only reason I didn't blast that noir-colored nit out of existence is because of Robin. If one of you'd be kind enough to watch her for a minute, I'll do what I intended and go and take care of this."

Regina, "Hold on. You can't just go down there alone and confront her." I say, "Yeah, Zelena, I think you know that our chances are better together than alone." Zelena asks, "Why not?" She looks at Regina, "You think I can't defeat her? I'm more powerful than you." Regina, "Oh, really?"

I say, "Guys, not now, please? We need to get the wand back before we go up against her." Emma, "And when we do, we're going to do this together." Zelena, "Fine, but you're doing it without me." She takes her baby and leaves.

Regina takes the piece of wand back to her vault, to see if she can cast a locator spell on it, to try and find its other half. It is the eve of the Final Battle, and here we are, planning Hook and Emma's wedding- which, is actually, a good distraction that everyone needs.

-Later that day-

We all meet up at the police station, while Michael stays at the loft apartment with our daughter. Regina has just explained to us as to what happened in the mines when she and her sister were there with the Black Fairy.

Mary, "She did what? You've got to be kidding me." Regina, "Unfortunately. I'm not." Hook questions, "How is it that even when your sister isn't the villain, she still is the villain that we're fighting?" Regina, "Believe me. I had it out with her. She will no longer be a problem."

David asks, "Do we even know what the Black Fairy needs the crystals for?" I clarify, "To start the Final Battle, so she says." Henry asks, "And has she done it?" We all look to him, "Has it started?" He asks again.

Regina answers, "I don't know, Henry, but we'll figure it out." I ask her, "Have you gotten anywhere with that wand?" Regina, "Unfortunately, I got a little sidetracked. Now that my family issues are under control, I'm back on it."

A new voice enters the conversation, "Maybe not as under control as you'd like." We turn to see Zelena enter the station with Robin Jr. Regina, "What are you doing here? I thought we agreed you were better off in Oz."

Zelena opposes, "No. You agreed. I was going to go, but then I changed her mind." To change her mind, it must be pretty bad, "Why?" Zelena, "Because, despite what you may think, there's nothing for me in Oz."

I point out, "But you are the Witch of the West, don't you have the Emerald City there?" She answers, "Yes, but anyone who ever cared for me there now hates me." She takes a deep breath, "Look, I know you and I aren't exactly the sisters that our mother wanted us to be, but you're all I've got, Regina. Going down to those mines was foolish and arrogant. I'm sorry, but I think I can help now."

Snow, "What do you mean?" Zelena, "The Black Fairy used my magic to turn those fairy crystals dark, so...my magic is still tethered to it." Hook, "How does that help us?" Zelena, "Because it also means that can destroy it. With this..."

She takes a big thing out of her bag. Emma, "What's that?" Zelena, "Something I picked up from Oz via tornado" Regina, "And what will it do?" Zelena, "Destroy my magic." There is a mixed array of emotions in the room when she says that.

Zelena gives up her powers that same night, in order to remove her power from the crystals. Poor Zelena, she feels sad and weak, but Regina and I agree that she has never looked stronger.

I then join the three women to meet Belle at Gold's shop, where we stand beside Blue's sleeping body. Belle, "I'm not proud of what I did, but I did what I thought was best for my son" Gold stands beside his wife, "We both did. What are you doing here?"

After Zelena exchanges some words with Gold, "Help me with what?" Zelena, "Your little fairy problem, which you don't seem able to solve." Regina clarifies, "The Blue Fairy. We might be able to wake her." Belle looks to her husband, "Unless you found a way." Gold, "Not yet, but I will."

Belle, "But we might not need to wait, Rumple, if you just let them try." She does her best to persuade her husband, and which, he lets us try. Emma pours the magic crystal over her, and Belle checks her pulse, "We did it. Her heart is beating again." Rumple, "It's only a matter of time before we wake her up."

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