~Christmas Love~

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Amber's POV:

That same night, we light the big Christmas tree in our living room. I loop arms with Michael, as we look at each other, "Now, that's more like it." We smile at each other as everyone admires the big tree that we picked out to celebrate the holidays.

...The next day...

It is finally the big day. Michael stands at the end of the aisle. Sera walks down the aisle first, then my friends and family- Lola, Casen, Queenie, Mallory, Zoe, and then my mother walks me down the aisle, in my newly- modernized Kate Middleton inspired wedding dress.

My mother begins to cry, "My baby. Getting married." Everyone stands up as I walk down the aisle. I say, "Oh, mama." She smiles at me as she kisses my cheek and hands me off to Michael.

The priest asks, "Do you, Michael Langdon take the beautiful Amber Rose Goode to he your bride?" Michael smiles, "I do." He slips the ring on my finger, and then the priest asks me, "Do you, Amber, take Michael(middle name) Langdon to be your husband?" I smile, "I do." I slip the other ring onto his finger. Then the priest announces, "Michael, you may kiss your bride, Amber Langdon."

We share a sweet kiss, and he holds me with just as much love as he wraps his arms around my waist, and I wrap mine around his neck. Everyone who watches us get married, claps with big smiles on their faces. It is absolute pandemonium during the ceremony.


Madison, "Everyone! Our newlyweds- Michael and Amber Langdon!" Everyone claps as he leads me to the dance floor, where we partake in sharing and eating our wedding cake, as well as me tossing my bouquet into the air- in which, Zoe catches it.

I hug her, "Congratulations! I guess we know who's next." She smiles and playfully shoves me. Just then, Michael holds his hand out to me, "May I?" I smile, "Of course." He then leads me to the dance floor, where we dance our first dance as a married couple.

We end that beautiful night with a conga line, and I tear Michael away from it, to outside. Michael, "Best Christmas ever." I say, "Yeah, I don't think we'll ever be able to top this one."

We laugh, "You never know. There's always next year." I say to him, "I'm willing to try if you are." He holds me close, "To Christmas. And to you." I smile, "Alone at last." We share a kiss or two, before the conga line finds us outside together, and we continue to kiss.

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