Chapter 66 - Transition

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Alexander's pov:

I stood on my spot for several minutes feeling completely numb. My head was spinning as I tried hard to regain my composure. I was in a dilemma, trying to take a decision. On the one hand, I had Monica lying unconscious in her bed fighting cancer alone, while on the other hand Elektra was in a coma. But she wasn't alone. Roxanne and David were with her.

"This is not enough reason to leave her. You must go to her. She needs you" said Ares inside my head.

-"Monica also needs me and she is completely alone. How can you ask me to leave her alone in a hospital room to fight for her life? I can't leave her now. She helped me when I was desperate and alone"

-"You can have someone take care of her. Your first priority is your mate not your friend" Ares scolded me.

-"Stop it Ares. I didn't ask for your advice"

-"You can't just sit here and do nothing while your mate desperately needs you"

-"I can't do anything for her..."

-"Of course you can! You have to go there and let the bond do the rest"

-"Are you kidding me? What bond? There is no bond anymore. She rejected me"

-"But you didn't" Aries contradicted.

-"This isn't as easy as it sounds" I said in despair. Aries was giving me a hard time. He couldn't accept that I was right. He couldn't realize that with this behavior he was being cruel and unfair to Monica. All he cared about was Elektra. In reality I didn't believe that staying by Elektra's side was going to affect her condition. That was impossible especially when the bond wasn't fulfilled. I am not going to abandon Monica, my only friend, for an ungrateful mate. What is more, Elektra isn't alone. She is surrounded by her friends and family. Monica needs me more this time.

I stayed by Monica's side awake all night watching over her while Aries was driving me crazy with his constant insistence that I should visit Elektra. After a while I decided to pay her a visit. I stood up and quietly headed to the door when Monica's voice was heard from behind.

-"Alex......" she said in a hoarse tone.

-"Monica. You are finally awake!" I said enthusiastically.

-"Yeah....What happened to me?" she asked looking around in agony.

-"You fainted at the restaurant and I brought you here. Why didn't you tell me about your health problem?"

-"I....I...I didn't want to bother you with my problems...."

-"What nonsense is this? Don't you consider me your friend?"

-"Of course I do!" she said with teary eyes....

-"Listen, I am not here to upset or accuse you of anything. I just want to be here for you, help and support you"

-"I...I can't thank you enough...." she said in tears.

-"Your doctor said that you must begin chemo immediately" I told her strictly.

-"I...I ...."

-"Monica, please. You must take care of yourself. I arranged your first session today"

-"Ok....." she said defeated.

Roxanne's pov:

Several hours have passed and Elektra was in the same state. Although Alex inquired about her health, he did not appear again. What is wrong with this man? He should be here next to Elektra. It's obvious he doesn't care about her at all.

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