angel's journey to formula 1 is almost completed, but it has been anything but easy. being the only girl in formula 2 is hard, especially when she is facing many personal challenges.
what is going to happen when she finds herself gravitating towards...
he gently places his arm around me, and i immediately feel safer in his arms. i yawn before closing my eyes. without realising, i soon fell asleep.
i wake up the next morning and feel arms around me.
(like this)
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i soon remember what had happened last night, and calm down a little.
"good morning." ollie says, scaring me a little.
"you scared me." i whisper back.
"oh, sorry."
"it's fine, thank you for staying last night. i really needed to sleep."
"it's fine, trust me. i hope you don't mind, but kimi was calling your phone so i answered it for you."
"what did he say?"
"he was just worried because you didn't have the key. and that's he's going to the track in about an hour because he has a meeting at mercedes."
"ah okay, i should probably go and get the key from him soon before getting ready to go to track." i say, sitting up.
10 minutes later, ollie was walking me the two doors down to mine and kimi's room. as kimi opens the door, he greets ollie whilst i carry my suitcase inside the room.
they both talk for a little bit before ollie goes back to his room.
"i'm so sorry, i completely forgot about the key." kimi says.
"it's fine don't worry, im just glad ollie was there."
"yes, did you get any sleep?" kimi asks, knowing about my fear.
"a little, ollie stayed with me." i say.
"at least you slept though."
"yeah, i'm gonna get ready now. are we still going out tonight?"
"yeah, i'll come find you in art when im done." kimi says, as i take my suitcase into the empty room.
1 hour later, kimi had already gone and i was finally ready for the day.
(outfit below)
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