part 23

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i wake up to a room that i knew not to be mine. quickly, i remember i was in kimi's room but then i realise he wasn't there.


"kimi!" i call out, climbing out of the bed and walking around.

"i'm in your room." he shouts back, but something wasn't right. his voice wasn't the same, and why was he in my room?

i walk into my room to see him trying to look for something.

"what on earth are you doing?" i shout. he has no right to be searching through my things.

"your face!" kimi says, ignoring me and approaching me. i step away from him automatically.

"who did this?" he asks, a worried look on his face.

"n-no-one." i reply.

"i swear to god angelina, do not lie to me! who. did. it?" he says, making me step back.

"i fucking told you! NO-ONE!" i shout, before pushing him out my room and locking the door. i slide down to the floor, ignoring kimi knocking on the door.

"i'm gonna have to tell mama." kimi says.

"no, kimi please. no. if you love me, do this one thing and keep it too yourself. i am begging you" i plead.


"please, i beg."

"open the door."

"i can't. kimi please."

"open the door."


" the door, and i can help you." he replies in a comforting tone and a few seconds later i unlock it and move away slightly.

he immediately opens it and looks down at me. in the blink of an eye, kimi was kneeling in front of me, taking my hands in his.

"oh lina..." he says, looking at the dark bruise on my face.

"i know, it's ugly." i say.

"don't say that, but please come to me if you ever need my help."

"no-one is meant to know." i whisper.

"know what?" he says, smiling gently. he wouldn't say a word.

"thank you."

"but please, come to me if this happened again." he says, and there was a look in his eyes. he wanted to help me, and he wasn't going to tell a soul.

"i will." i lie. honestly, i was hoping it wouldn't happen again.

"promise me." he says, holding out his pinkie.

"i promise." i lie again, interlocking our finger. the guilt was eating at me, but i couldn't do that to nick. it wasn't his fault he had anger issues.

"does it hurt?"

"not anymore. could you maybe leave me so i can get ready?" i reply, giving him a weak smile.

"yeah of course." he replies, standing up and leaving my room, shutting the door behind me.

i take a few minutes to fully calm down before getting ready. surprisingly it only took me an hour.

(outfit below)

(outfit below)

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