part 61

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"okay angel, the race is delayed by 10 minutes." jules says. walking back into the main garage.

"only 10?" i say shocked.

"for now yes, the fia is watching the weather and will find a time to race."

"it should be cancelled, the rain is dangerous jules. and it's such a dangerous track." i say, worried for all of the other drivers as well as myself.

"i know angel, but it's not up to me."

"this is insane." i say, shaking my head.

"it could be cancelled, we just have to wait and see." jules says, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"yeah, okay. what a great birthday right." i say.

"i'm sorry angel, but after the race im sure you will have fun."

"yeah." i say, as zac comes over.

"it's amazing weather don't you think." he joke.

"i was planning to go to the beach actually." i reply, carrying on the joke.

"it's going to be a while until the race starts if they are waiting for the rain to stop."

"they aren't, just for the rain to slow down." jules says.

"are they trying to kill us?" zac says, just as shocked as i was.

"i know, it's dangerous out there." i say, starting to become nervous. i hate racing in the rain.

"the fia would stop the race if it became too dangerous alright, that's there job. nothing will happen." jules says, trying to calm us down.

"if they were doing there job right they would cancel the race. too many lives are lost here jules. even last year!" i say.

"angel, please. nothing will happen. have some faith in the fia." jules says as we all hear the sound of water pouring.

we all turn to see water entering the garage in the corner. me and zac couldn't help but laugh a little as jules heads to sort it out.

"it's going to be alright."zac says, standing beside me as we watch the rain.

"hopefully." i reply, sighing.

the race wouldn't be starting for a while, so i decide to go find ollie and kimi. it didn't take long to look for them, as they were in the garage.

"ang!" ollie says, walking over as i put my umbrella down.

"lovely weather isn't it." i say, smiling at him.

"its a little too warm for me." kimi says. we talk about the weather and the upcoming race for a few minutes.

"im gonna really miss italian weather." i say.

"what do you mean?" ollie says.

"don't be stupid ol, you know im moving away in a few weeks." i say to him, laughing.

"no angel, you never thought to mention to your boyfriend that you were moving to a different country ." ollie says.

"yes. ollie, i told you." i say.

"well you clearly didn't. how does something like moving away slip your mind? how could you possibly forget to tell me?"

"did you think i would be able to stay in bologna, miles away from aston martin? im going to be an formula one driver, this is the biggest thing to happen to me."

"oh so what am i? just a small little addition to your life? what happened to us living together? like you said you wanted too?" he says, raising us voice.

"for gods sake ollie, i never said i was going to spend the rest of my days in england!"

"well maybe you will forget to come back, like you forgot to tell me you were going!"

"you don't need to know every fucking detail about my life!"

"well it isn't a small detail angel, it's a big fucking thing. did you even consider what this would mean for us?"

"maybe there won't be an 'us' then! maybe i will stay in england, or somewhere far away from you!" i shout before walking out of the garage into the rain, tears falling down my face.

30 minutes later, i was getting into the car despite the rain still pouring. i was still mad at ollie, and i couldn't get rid of our argument from my mind. and i was also a little scared for the race, i mean it is a dangerous track. people have died here.

"radio check angel." jules says.

"loud and clear jules." i say, taking a deep breath.

"pull out of the garage." he says.

10 minutes later i was lined up in p5 waiting for the lights to start.

1 light...
2 lights...
3 lights...
4 lights...
5 lights...

lights out...

i press my foot down against the pedal, the car moving forwards into the spray of other cars ahead. i manage to overtake zane maloney and i was now p4. if i finish here, i will be glad.

"be careful angel." jules says.

"i'm blind as a bat out here." i reply.

"just try angel, the best outcome is finishing the race."

after a few more laps, it was getting near to impossible to race. no-one was racing, they were too focused on staying on the track. three cars had already had an accident, many more going wide.

"jules im telling you, someone is going to get hurt." i say into the team radio.

"i will pass your concerns on , please focus."

it's hard to focus in such terrible conditions, especially after my earlier events with ollie. but this is my job, and i should be able to do it.

i was still in p4, maloney a good few second behind. there was no way i was going to try and overtake for p3, it's dangerous and i don't really want to share a podium with ollie right now.

"how are the tyres angel?"

"useless, theres no fucking grip." i say, as i go slightly wide.

i go wide again, a few corners later. and again. it's not as if i'm making any mistakes, it's purely how bad the track is.

"jules please, something is going to happen to someone." i say, pleading with him to do something more.

the next thing i know, i had lost any control i still had of the steering and the car.

|| authors note ~ cliffhangerrr

what does this mean for angel and ollie??

hope you enjoy 🫶🏼 AND LANDO ON POLE WOOOO

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