part 39

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angelina's pov;

why do i feel myself wanting to kiss ollie? i can't kiss him, i can't fall in love again. i can't go through that pain again. never

my love, is my sport. and that is it.

"come sit." ollie says, whilst sitting down on the floor with his legs stretched out.

i sit beside him, looking out along the horizon. i take my phone out to take some photos, and a photo with ollie.

we were sat talking for ages, about anything. at one point, we end up talking about penguins and knees. random.

but with ollie, time flew by. and we had been there for an hour. it was getting pretty dark and pretty cold too. i was starting to shiver.

"here, take my hoodie." ollie says, taking off his hoodie.

"what, no! you will be cold." i say, refusing to take the hoodie.

"i'll be fine, take it." he says, and i knew he wasn't taking no for an answer.

i thank him and take the hoodie. whilst i'm putting it on, he holds my jacket which i definitely regret bringing. it provided no warmth.

"thank you, again."

"it's okay. do you wanna go back to the hotel?" he asks.

"yeah." i say, standing up with ollie's help.

"do you wanna go to my room and watch a movie? we could invite kimi, im sure he's very lonely all by himself."

"yeah, i'll call him when we get signal." i reply.

30 minutes later me, kimi and ollie were sat on ollie's bed trying to find a film to watch. i take a photo of us three and post it too my close friends story, tagging them both in it.

i was in the middle of them both. finally, we decided on maze runner.

"should we order pizza?" kimi says, ollie agreeing.

"lina?" kimi says.

"uhm sure." i say, hesitantly.

they both order food, kimi ordering for me and 30 minutes later it arrives.

ollie had a balcony in his room, so we decide to sit outside to eat. i mean the view was amazing, it was just a little bit cold. by a little bit, i mean freezing. then i realise i still had ollie's hoodie from before, so i put that on.

i could swear i saw mini and ollie exchange looks between each other, but i just brush the thought away.

"so what film are we going to watch?" i ask.

"we could watch rush?" kimi says, and we all agree.

once we had finished eating, we go back to squeezing into ollie's bed. i realise just how tired i am, but i want to try and stay awake with ollie and kimi. it's rude that i keep falling asleep, but i can't help it.

we were 30 minutes into the film, ollie's arm lying behind me, and i was struggling to stay awake.

"you should sleep." ollie mutters, but i shake my head.

"i'm not tired." i reply.

"and im not ollie. go to sleep, it's alright." ollie says, and i give in.

Ollie's pov:

i look to the left of me and see angel drifting from being asleep to keeping her eyes awake.

"you should sleep." i mutter to her, but she shakes her head.

"i'm not tired." she whispers. is she trying to make a joke? because i could laugh at that.

"and im not ollie. go to sleep, it's alright.". i say, reassuring her.

finally she nods and rests her head on the side of my chest. i place my arm around her, gently stroking her arm with my thumb.

within a few minutes she was asleep. i wait another few minutes before whispering across to kimi.

"how is she?"

"she's trying." he says.

"is she eating enough?"

"it's not enough, but she's trying. i'm talking to her engineer and trainer tomorrow."

"does she know?"

"no, but i don't think i should tell her."

"i'll do something with her, when is it?"

"10 in the morning."

"we will stay here probably."

"thank you, i just don't know how to help her."

"how long has it been going?"

"a while, it's been getting worse after jeddah. it's all my fault,"

"no, it's not. it's nick's. without him, none of anything would have happened. and if you think about it, the times match up."

"i guess. why couldn't it have been someone whose good for her! like you! you would be perfect for her."


"yes, you care for her so much."

"she deserves it." i say, smiling down at angel sleeping on my chest.

"i'm gonna go back to my room now, it's pretty late." kimi says, getting up.

"alright, i'll see you at the track tomorrow?"

"yeah, i'll let you know what we say."

"great, thanks. bye mate."

"bye." i say.

once i hear the door shut, i feel angel begin to move around. thinking she was about to wake up i freeze, trying to keep her sleeping.

thankfully, she wasn't waking up just adjusting her position. now her head was resting on top of my chest, her arms hugging me.

and it felt... right? like we were two parts of puzzle that fit together. i've never felt it before, then again i've never felt love for someone like this.

i'm not one to believe in fate, but this? i think we are meant to be together. i really hope we are.

i place my arm around angel, and slowly begin to drift off to sleep.

angelina's pov:

i wake up in someone's arms, which i soon remember was ollie. and i was in his hoodie, which i can say is extremely comfortable.

then i remember that kimi was here last night, and now is gone. that's a bit wierd, surely he would have taken me to my room. i mean, there's no way he would have let me sleep i in ollie's bed with ollie. he's definitely against the idea of my dating anyone else.

and i know i should be, but then there's ollie. i don't know what it is, but i feel like he's there always. like we are meant to be.

|| authors note ~ hope you enjoy 🫶🏼

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