part 17

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"what the fuck?" luke says, stepping forward in front of me.


"who's this? another guy?" nick says. god knows why or how he was in jeddah. he places his hand on my arm, holding on to me.


"luke, it's fine. go back to the hotel yeah?" i say, but there was no way he was agreeing. i give him a pleading look which he understands.

"what? no- okay, i'll see you around angel." luke says, before walking away.


"w-why are you here nick?" i say, facing him.

"am i not allowed to come and see my girlfriend?" he says, cupping my face and stroking my bottom lip with his thumb. i could feel my heartbeat rising. and im hoping that even though he was not even a few centimetres away that he couldn't hear it.

"n-no you can."

"exactly, when really you don't deserve to see me do you?" he says, towering over me.

"i'm sorry." i whisper, breaking eye contact with him but he moves my head to face him once again.

"look at me." he whispers.

"i was with my friends." i whisper before screaming out in shock as i feel his hand hit the side of my eye.

"liar, you were alone with that guy. who looks about 20." he says, holding onto my hand as i hold it up to the side of my face.

"i-i was, i promise." i whimper, shocked that he had slapped me.

"we are going to my hotel, come on." he says, slipping his hand into mine and interlocking our fingers.

"kimi will worry that im not there tomorrow." i say, following nick.

"well message him and say you at your friends." he says.

i stay silent for the small walk to nick's own hotel. it was at least nearby to where i was staying with kimi. before we head into the hotel, nick leads me to a nearby alley, cornering me against the wall.

he holds his hand up to the side of my face, and i hold my arms up in self defence. his gaze softens, as he gently takes hold of my hands.

"im sorry baby, let me see." he says, gently stroking the red mark on my face. he leans down and grazes his lips across it, before gently kissing it.

his gentle touches bring a slight smile to my face before he lets go and takes off his hoodie.

"you look cold." he says, before handing it to me. i thank him before putting it on. he pulls the hood up over my head to hide to red mark before slipping his hand into mine once more.

thankfully, there was no-one around the hotel lobby or corridors due to the time of night. we head straight up to nicks room.

i enter after he opens the door and sit down on the end of the bed.

"you know i can't bring you to my garage for the weekend." i say.

"i know, i've got a ferrari ticket." he says.

"ferrari? i'm in aston martin though." i reply, very confused.

"i have to make sure you don't go near that bearman guy don't i?" he says, towering over me.

"nicky, there's nothing between me and him. i promise." i say, looking up at his eyes.

"and you expect me to believe that? after your lies today?" he says, his emotions changing to anger.

"i never lied! i was with friends." i say in a raised volume , standing up in front of him.

i feel the hard hit of his fist into there right side of my face, same side as before, close to my eye. i hold my hands up to my eye in shock. i fall to the floor, horrified at his actions.

nick's eyes were cold, and emotionless. i was too afraid to move, to run and save myself from the hell i had gotten into.

he drops down in front of me, tilting my head back so he could look at my eye. he takes hold of my hands and move them away.

"i'm sorry baby, i'm so sorry." he whispers, caressing the new seat red mark on my face.

"i-it's okay nicky. an accident right?" i say.

"yeah, i'll never do it ever again baby. i'll sort it out for you." he says, helping me up to my feet before slipping his arm around my waist and leading me to the bathroom.

he lifts me up and places me on the counter before moving my legs and standing in between them. he dampens a cloth and daps the place where he punched me. the whole time whispering how sorry he was.

once he was done, he tilts my head up and kisses me gently.

"i'm so sorry baby, it's just been really stressful recently."

"it's okay nicky, but you can talk to me about anything." i reply.

"thank you... you look tired, let's go to sleep?" nick asks, and i nod as he picks me up.

he places me onto the bed before handing me some of his clothes to wear. i take them and thank him before heading to the bathroom to change.

when i come back into the bedroom, i see nick lying in bed shirtless.

"are they alright, or do you want some different clothes?" he asks as i lie down beside him.

i shake my head and lay my head on nick's chest. he wraps his arm around me, and pulls me close into him.

"goodnight my angel." he whispers, stroking my hair softly.

luke's pov:

me and angel were mindlessly talking when out of nowhere, two hands push me back.

"what the fuck?" i say, standing in front of angel to protect her.

the guy starts speaking in italian, but unlucky for me, i don't speak a single word it. thats when i realise, that this was nick.

"luke it's fine, go back to the hotel." angel says, but there was no way i could leave her alone with him.

i could tell from the pleading look in her eyes, that me staying wouldn't help her. so i agree, and walk away.

but i couldn't leave her, so i hide behind a nearby cat and watch what happens.

i pull my hand to my mouth to muffle my gasp of shock when he hits her. all i want to do was to go over and help her, but i couldn't. she didn't know that i knew.

yet it was so shocking that he would hit here, he was being so gentle with her. then out of nowhere he hits her.

she didn't even mention him being here in saudi arabia.

not even a minute later, they both walk away. their hands were interlocked? 30 seconds ago the guy hit her, now he's doing this?

he's got some serious issues.

|| authors note ~ hope you enjoy 🫶🏼

what's going to happen to angel??

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