part 47

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"go away." i say, but my voice breaking clearly didn't help.

"angie?" an american voice says from outside the trailer.

"what." i reply, trying to not sound like i had just been crying.

"can i come in?" logan asks.

"sure." i say hesitantly.

the door opens and logan walks in, followed by none other than ollie.

"are you both just going to stand there?" i say, avoiding eye contact.

"are you alright?" logan says.

" i really hope that's a rhetorical question, because do i fucking look alright." i say.

"sorry, stupid question." he replies, as ollie sits down beside me.

"it's quite comfortable down here." he says softly.

"yes i would love to sleep here." i reply, annoyed.

"sorry, it's just.." i begin to say.

"it's fine, i would say i understand but i know that i don't and not many do really understand."

"no, not many have one of the most important people in their lives die. especially not the day before a race weekend."

"do you want a hug?"

"..yeah..." i say, before falling into ollie's arms crying.

"let it all out ang." he whisper softly whilst stroking my back.

"how long is it going to feel like this?" i whisper.

"i don't know ang, but i promise it will be better soon."

"i was getting better, i-i was."

"you were, and you still are."

"how? i can't even count how many times i've cried since yesterday."

"but that doesn't matter. your still carrying on."


"but you still are. ang, your still racing for gods sake! it's crazy."

"flo would want me to me to race."

"she would want you to carry on living, and getting better. and your already doing that."

"i guess." i say, noticing that logan was gone.

"see? your doing great."

"thanks... how bad do i look?"

"you always look good ang." ollie says, making me blush a little.

"is my mascara smudged?"

"a little." he says, gently letting go of me as i find my mirror in my bag to fix my face.

a few minutes later, i looked fine again. i can't believe i let ollie see me like that, i looked terrible. yet even so, he looks at me like im the last drop of water in a desert.

"there, is it okay?" i ask.


"thank you for helping me ollie, we should both really get back to work." i say.

"yeah i guess so." ollie says, standing up before helping me up too.

"thank you, ill see you tonight then?" i say smiling slightly.

"yes." he replies as we leave the trailer and go to our seperate garages.

"angel, we have a meeting now." jules says before directing me towards another trailer.

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