angel's journey to formula 1 is almost completed, but it has been anything but easy. being the only girl in formula 2 is hard, especially when she is facing many personal challenges.
what is going to happen when she finds herself gravitating towards...
two hours later there was a knock on my and ollie's hotel door. i was trying to find my phone after loosing it for the fifth time that morning so ollie had opened it. i'm just really nervous about meeting ollie's parents.
"sorry, ill just be one minute. i can't find my phone." i say, searching through my suitcase.
"you mean this phone?" kimi says, picking up a phone from the floor. i stand up and turn around to see kimi holding my phone.
"yes! thank you." i say.
"don't stress okay? you look beautiful, and my parents can't wait to meet you." ollie says, slipping his hand into mine.
"thank you." i say, smiling at him.
i love the dress im wearing today. i've curled my hair lightly again, and some natural make-up which i guess has become my daily make-up look now.
(outfit below)
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"are you ready to go?" kimi asks, and i nod before following them both out the door.
"when are you parents coming?" i ask ollie.
"they are getting to the track in an hour, but you will be there then right?" he says.
"yeah, of course." i say, slipping my hand into his.
"mom and dad are coming too." kimi says.
"lovely." i say as i sit down in the taxi next to the window.
"you alright?" ollie whispers.
"mhm." i reply, not looking at him.
"ang." he says, squeezing my hand.
"i'm fine ollie!." i reply, getting slightly annoyed.
i know i shouldn't be. but really, im not fine, and it's quite selfish why. i miss being on the podium, i miss racing, and it's killing me to see ollie, kimi and all my friends getting to do it whilst im stuck with a cast on. it should be me on the podium.
oh god, i sound terrible. i want to be happy for ollie, but emotions aren't letting me. i just hope that i can last today without him realising anything is wrong, but i may have already given it away by snapping
"im sorry."i mutter quickly.
"you don't need to apologise baby." he says softly, stroking my hand.
i rest my head on his shoulder, and he places his on mine. i smile a little, before i notice kimi taking a photo. i give him the middle finger whilst he and ollie both laugh.
"enjoy yourselves today." i say.
"what do you mean?" kimi says.
"in the race. don't rush it. it's your last f2 race and your gonna want to remember it." i say. i didn't get to enjoy my last one, in fact i died.
"yeah." ollie says.
"i can't wait for the next season, i miss racing." i say, sighing.
"i can't even imagine, it must be hard watching us both race." ollie says.
"it is hard! i just want to be racing, i want to be back on the podium!" i say, before realising what i had said. i shouldn't have said that.
"you should be on the podium ang, you deserve to be." ollie replies.
"no, what happened was my fault. and i know that." i say.
"it wasn't your fault though."
"no-one else was driving the car, i'm the only person to blame."
"that's because no-one is to blame. please ang, trust me." he pleads.
"i do trust you."
"then trust me, that it wasn't your fault. it was the fia's." he says.
"okay." i say, sighing and he squeezes my hand.
"i love you." he whispers in my ear.
"i love you more." i whisper back, smiling to myself.
"sorry, but that's just not possible baby." he says.
"well it is." i say as the car pulls to a stop.
i open the door and climb out, ollie following me. he takes my hand in his once again, and when kimi was out we all begin walking towards the f2 paddock.
i could see people taking photos of us and filming us, but none of us really cared. it was something we were used too by now.
"i'll meet you at your garage, i just want to see a few people first." i say.
"okay, have fun." ollie says, before saying goodbye and i walk in the opposite direction.
i make my way to the hitech garage to ask someone if they had seen paul. according to his engineer, he was in his shared driver room.
i knock on the door, and he soon opens it, smiling when he sees me.
"angel!" he says, hugging me.
"hey paul, how are you?" i say, hugging him back before stepping inside his driver room.
"i'm alright, just... yesterday was shit. i'm happy for ollie as a friend, but it's disappointing y'know? the car let me down in the one moment i needed to prove myself." he says.
"i know how you feel, but you were so close. you've had an amazing year, and it's only your rookie year in f2. next year your going to be amazing." i say, trying to comfort my friend.
"yeah, but i didn't even get noticed by a single f1 team. there's 1 seat left on the grid angel." he says, and i could tell it was really hurting him.
"paul i know it's hard, and you really deserve that seat. but sometimes waiting will make it all the better when it comes. and i know it will come for you, because your really fucking amazing." i say.
"thank you angel, really."
"just don't do a george russell, don't make a power point and take it too rb." i say, laughing a little.
"oh god, i could never." he says, laughing.
"it must be some sort of british confidence, i mean ollie would definitely do something like that." i say.
"i can see that." paul says.
"i want to find franco, but ill see you later?" i say.