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"You are a real bitch for not writing me back for a month!" I turn my face to where the voice was coming from as I knew who it belonged to.

"Ok." Was all I said, putting on a resting face. I was holding my bag in my big hands while I tried to ignore the noise the crowd was making, trying to rush into the train, the Hogwarts Express.

Blaise had a curious look on his face as he asked "Are you even mad?"

"I've been called worse, so no." I replied straight away as my brown eyes didn't move from his.

"Like what?" His accent came very strong as he placed his bag on the floor, next to me.

"Your girlfriend." Now it was time to let a smirk break through my lips. Breaking my character as I let the happiness wash over my body, I was finally with my friends again and I loved every second of it.

My mind traveled through the 4th year, Yule Ball. That was when I got called Blaise's girlfriend for the first time ever. Just because we attended it together... only because we were too stubborn to find real partners, we had decided to go as friends. We had known each other since before we were born, we've always been friends. Our families as well, two pure-bloods.

Thinking of the Yule Ball, my mind drifted to my other friends. Lucinda, my girl best friend had gone with Adrian Pucey. Kinda ironic knowing they were still into each other after two years but not officially together. Theo with some Hufflepuff girl and Draco with- Draco had gone with Pansy. I fought so hard to not roll my eyes as I let the images of them dancing together washed me over. That was the real reason I had to go with Blaise. I couldn't be seen as a loser when Draco asked Pansy for the ball instead of me, his best friend, me. Everybody knew me and Draco did the balls together, always. Since we were kids, anytime there was a ball, my partner would be him. It was an unwritten rule until he had decided to break it in 4th year, choosing Pansy over me.

It all had started when Draco (with the help from his mother), written a letter for me at the age of six to ask me for a ball that the Malfoys were hosting. He had sent me the letter, me not willingly accepting it (by my mother's persuasion) had to accept it. We were six, our mothers being close friends, we were together 24/7 but that didn't mean I was fond of him and his ugly bleached hair. However, he was the opposite: everyone knew he had a crush on me when we were kids. Just a childhood crush that wouldn't hurt anyone... Until it did.

Starting Hogwarts all together Malfoy, Nott, Zabini, me and Westwood, it then started to hurt. I was eleven when my heart first skipped a beat after seeing Draco after the summer holiday, right here on this station. I remembered it like yesterday, his blonde hair slicked all the way back, cute smile on his lips while Narcissa and my mum were speaking. His little crush for me was over then.
Mine started the exact minute. It was the first time in my life I was so nervous and excited to be around him. He had me wrapped around his little fingers and I had no idea why, he's always been my friend after all.
The first two years of Hogwarts, I kept my eyes on him. During those years, I would follow him like a paparazzi. I would make sure to make him feel good when he needed a backup. I remembered so clearly Hermione saying "At least nobody had to buy their way in the team." To his face. Before he could even respond, it was me who answered her, "Nobody asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood!" It was almost like he had a spell on me.

Until he didn't and I lost my feelings in the summer of the 2nd year, going back to being friends like it was nothing. It was just a childhood crush, it didn't mean anything. I didn't care when he had a crush on me nor when I had a crush on him. I was sure we all had crushes on each other at one point as we were raised all together and we were just kids that didn't even know what liking someone meant. It happened to everyone.

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