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As my wish was heard by the Wizarding Gods, I caught a pair of brown eyes on mine. My skin instantly started to burn like I was being set on fire. He could be the only one who had more powerful eye contact than mine. Yeah, undoubtedly he was.

He didn't even flinch when he got caught, he wasn't bothered. Why wasn't he bothered? Without breaking the contact, he moved to the front of his seat. He was on one of the sofas, his legs opened in a sitting position. He scanned me head to toe, as Theo was still dancing with me. Then he did the thing. He did the thing where it got me weak. His brows slightly lifted, eyes focused on me, he went back to his previous position, his back to the sofa while he pushed his thighs up a little. "I'll be back." I informed Lucy and Theo without a second doubt.

"Blackwood." I pronounced his surname like it was my favourite word to say.

He was all alone on the sofa. Wasn't a shocking scene seeing him alone. He never really was friends with anyone at Hogwarts. Nobody dared to be friends with him, knowing about the death-eater rumours. "Vonner."

"Has Blaise managed to supply your request?" I made it up just now to use it as an excuse to come here. I couldn't care less if Blaise gave him some pills and muggle shit.

"Why worry?" He was still laid back as he asked, my mind was drifting to couple months ago. When we started to hook up at one of the Slytherin parties.

"You know I don't do the worrying thing Benjamin." I said placing myself on the empty spot next to him.

"Forgot you are the Slytherin princess." He chuckled sarcastically. "Must look tough."

I knew he was mocking me, he was mocking me because we all knew he was the toughest between us. We all knew he did all the dirty work for his master. He was serving like a dog, just like my parents, like all my friends' parents. "You should stop scanning me. It's disturbing."

"So disturbing that you had to come closer to the source of disturbance." I was starting to regret I even considered coming here. He was so annoying or I was just unable to handle his attitude.

"And just like that, you'll never hear from me again." I moved away, this was a mistake. What was I even thinking?

I didn't had the energy to join Theo, Lucy or Adrian anymore. I headed back to our table, on the sofa it was just Blaise with few other Slytherins (probably handing them the muggle products) and Draco with Pansy under his arm and her best friend Tracey Davis talking to them.

"Great." I murmured, I had no other option than joining them. I could listen to Blaise doing some business and be bored to death or throw up all over the table by the incredibly stupid conversation that Pansy and Tracey were having.

First one to notice me was Draco, his eyes falling to the jacket I had on, his. I ignored his eyes and pushed Blaise's shoulder to move right next to him. I was indeed going to sit in between him and Tracey. "Fuck's sake Astrid." Blaise complained but I managed to squeeze in.

"Oi hey mate."

His words made me lift up my head and see who he was talking to, Benjamin. "You wanted the stuff?"

By the looks of it, he had followed me back here. Only noticing him now Blaise and I exchanged looks. "Yeah, I'm running low." He said coming closer to him and then taking a quick look at me.

It was impossible to not feel Tracey drooling next to me just by looking at Ben. He had a great body, he had built a lot of muscles and his wide shoulders and smooth skin was ultimately putting a cherry on top. He also knew he could get any girl he wanted in seconds. But he wasn't that type. His mind was on his mission. "One second mate, let me wrap it up with these guys." Blaise answered him while focusing right back at the Slytherins from younger years.

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