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"Something is definitely wrong up in his head." I lifted my head from the gold plate filled with roasted potatoes, chicken and vegetables for lunch and followed where the voice was coming from.

"Did you see how he didn't care about Flitwick? I have to admit it was fun to watch." Blaise agreed with Theo's first comment, whatever was that about.

"I can't complain honestly, I wish he did something each lesson so we wouldn't bore to death practicing the Cleaning or Blackboard-Writing Charms." Lucy left a tiny kiss on my cheek as they all sat down on our house table.

"Or you can just admit he ruined the learning of Reductor Curse for everyone." Draco was the last one to join as everyone kept filling up their plates. They were all returning from the Advanced Charms class which I hadn't choose this year.

"What are you all talking about?" I asked before taking a sip from my tea. I liked every meal with tea on the side. My question was indeed not aimed directly at Draco. Since last night I didn't even want to see his pale ghost face.

"There was drama going on in Charms!" Lucy squeaked with her high-pitched voice. "Blackwood, of course."

With the name hitting way too close to me personally, I stopped chewing and completely concentrated on Lucy.

"I wonder who he thinks he is." Draco was the one to murmur under his breath. With this comment, he earned a pair of annoyed eyes on him delivered brutally by me.

"I guess we all know who he really is mate." Blaise kept his eyes on the table, knowing his comment wouldn't get any appreciation from his best friend.

"And who is he really?" Draco said it in a very sarcastic tone. He was triggered by Blaise's comment as assumed. "What's his deal that makes him so special?.... He is a death-eater, ok next? He works for You-Know-Who... ok next? He murde-"

"We got it, keep your voice down!" Blaise hit him in the chest.

"Is anyone going to tell me what has happened?" The curiosity taking over me, I was once in my life regretting not taking Charms.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Another murmur left Draco's wet lips, he was testing my nerves today.

"Everything was ok, we were practicing the Cleaning Charm and if we succeeded we were going to move on to Reductor Curse... but of course Neville managed to find a way to make a mess so Flitwick was handling that." Lucy's talent was definitely storytelling however I wasn't in the mood to find out about the smallest detail that had taken place in the class. Theo, as if he was hearing my thoughts imitated Lucy with his hands in the air, making a symbol implying how much Lucy was talking which earned a giggle from me and an orange to his head from Lucy.

"Anyway, as I was saying everything was boring. Then, Blackwood rushed in the classroom, late of course. He apologised to Flitwick and sat down somewhere as his apology got accepted. Seamus whatsoever thought the apology was not acceptable and he started to complain- y'know classic Seamus." Everyone but Draco nodded to approve that Seamus was the most annoying person ever to exist most of the time. "He complained so much, for so long that Blackwood pushed him off the desk out of nowhere."

"He threw him on the other side of the classroom." Blaise added, correcting Lucy. "For a second, I saw a glimpse of Seamus up in the mid-air flying directly to the wall with a terrifying look on his face, it was hilarious."

"I wish it was slow-motioned, I'd pay galleons to re-live it." Theo chuckled alongside Blaise.

"So Seamus in the wall, Flitwick went crazy but y'know... he is small and Blackwood was almost blinded by anger. It was almost like he was under the Imperius Curse. He didn't stop, he went over Seamus, lifted him up and punched him in the face. I honestly thought he would be dead after that— well maybe he is dead, we still don't know. Blackwood kept saying how fed up he was with the nonstop complaints coming from Gryffindors."

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