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Taking big steps, I made it to the Great Hall for breakfast. It was 7:40 in the morning, I was ten minutes late to our usual meeting time by the table. "I am sorry, I slept in." Justifying myself, I sat on my spot; Lucy on my left, Adrian on my right.

"Sleeping Beauty without the beauty." Theo made his muggle-based comment before receiving a gentle slap on his head.

Draco had a serious look on his face, slowly turning to a smile as Theo roared over him about how much that slap hurt. "Didn't I tell you to not bring muggle content over this table?"

Lucy's hand on my thigh distracted me from stop watching those two. "I'm talking to you, hey!"

"Sorry, I am still asleep I think-" I started to pick up some toasted bread with butter on top, waiting for Lucy's response.

"I was asking about Ben." She continued and my eyes found their way up to Draco's grey one. I didn't know why our eyes have been meeting without permission since yesterday. "I was way too drunk but Blaise told me he was following you around like a lost puppy and eventually you two went to the dormitory, oh my, tell me everything right now Astrid. Fast!"

"I assume you could just ask Blaise since he knows everything." I gave him a death glare.

He avoided it as he answered,"Don't stare at me like that, I feel uncomfortable ok? And I just informed Lucy of what I've witnessed alright?"

I grabbed an apple and threw it to him but it wasn't Blaise who caught it. Draco's long pale fingers were wrapped around the green apple up in the air. Then he took a bite of it, still in eye contact. It looked as if he was really interested in what me and Lucy were talking about.

"Nothing happened to tell, we just talked and then he left so I slept, finally finding some peace. Away from the gossipers." I looked at Blaise again when I said the last word.

Lucy was giving me one of her smiles where you could see and count her entire teeth. "I told you, he wants you back so badly." She took a pause, looking over my shoulder, "Here he comes."

Everyone, I mean starting from Lucy, Blaise, Adrian, Theo and Draco looked at the same direction (probably he had also caused younger girls to lift their heads). I was the last one to look when I felt Ben's presence passing by behind me as he headed to his seat on the same table. He was always sitting with the last year students. "See? Nothing. I told you."


"It is an honour to see you in this position Professor Snape." Draco said out loud for entire class to hear. If it wasn't me who was Snape's favourite, it was Draco.

I had to, however, be the favourite, "Congratulations Professor." Giving him a genuine smile, I sat down next to Theo.

"Thank you all." His voice traveled through the walls of his new classroom. "Be prepared to finally learn about some real defence against the dark arts. I don't want no complaints, no whining, no tears."

He dived right in, giving us many new concepts, definitions, examples, physical appearances, I was sure the homework was going to be painfully long.

I suddenly cursed inside noticing what was Draco wearing as he was practicing something Snape ordering him. He had a sweater, I had totally forgotten about his jacket as I was rushing in the morning. When he returned to his desk, sitting next to Blaise, my little piece of paper was ready to fly over. 'My dorm after class -A'

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