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All my attention was on Lucy while she was explaining how she would smoke in rehab, being able to hide it with magic and how she slept with one of the workers there to be able to get the weed in.

"What was the point of going to rehab if you didn't do shit to fix your addictions?" Theo asked her rightfully.

"To make mama and papa happy!" Blaise said cheerfully as he and Lucy shared a high five, laughing it off.

Lucy was all over the place last year, overdosing. Her parents obviously had to do something about it: sending her to rehab for 2 months. But we all knew, we were going to go back to old addictions as soon as school started back again. None of us overdosed though, other than Lucy. "You got the goods?" I asked to Blaise.

His shiny eyes found me, "You damn know I do!" His mood was more than just good. He was the Slytherin supplier, I sure as hell knew Snape even knew about it, just like other teachers. There was no way they couldn't predict people were doing drugs at the school.

As I looked back through the corridor, a body entered my sight. All black outfit, spicy fragrance mixed with cigarettes and weed. In the background, I could hear Lucy faking a cough next to me as a warning. A silence filled up our compartment. I could feel I was holding my breath and the body turned back to us. His black curly hair was messy, his dark brown eyes found me first. No reaction on neither of our faces, his eyes were empty, maybe just filled with darkness and coldness.

"Benjamin!" Blaise got up from his seat to shake Benjamin's hand. I lowered my eyes on the floor to cut the eye contact. His attention moved to Blaise as he moved closer to inside.

"Ouch!" I said as I felt the pain of Lucy's elbow hitting me on the stomach.

"Say something!" She whispered to my ear as my eyes fell on the grey ones, staring right back at me. The moment I found his, he moved it to corridor side but he was caught.

Benjamin spoke, "The order is ready?"

"Yeah mate, after the Sorting I'll bring it to you." Blaise answered him, of course he was supplying to everyone.

"Thanks mate." He said dryly. He leaned in to give a hug to Blaise and it was when the mark on his skin started to pop up. A death eater. We all knew, at least everyone in Slytherin knew Ben was a death eater. Since the age of 10. He might have been the youngest person to get the mark and he loved it. Everyone at school was scared of him, nobody dared to wrong him. However, he wasn't a bully. He didn't attack anyone or said anything even if they weren't purebloods. He just loved following Voldemort's orders, he wasn't vocal about it but rather physical. Anyone could guess the meaning behind it: he was a murderer, he had taken lives since the age 10. He was the right hand.

Our eyes met again right before he left. He paused for a second, making me nervous enough to puke all over Draco right now. "You have a minute?"

With his question, I was taken back. I opened my mouth but the words failed to come out. "Uhh, yeah." Right before I followed him, I felt all of my friends eyes on me, "Shut up all of you."

"He totally wants you back." Lucy said loud enough for everyone in the train to hear.

I remained quiet as I followed the spicy scent into an empty department. "Get in." He ordered and I listened.


"Save it Ben." I surrendered myself to the anger boiling in me. "If this is about the way we ended things before summer, I am over it."

"I am aware it wasn't very polite of me but I had way more important things to do, you understand me right?" He knew I understood him. Of course I did, I knew what we were doing wasn't serious. We were just sleeping together when one of us was in need. It had started last year in May, when we first kissed at a Slytherin party, both drunk. May and June, we had slept secretly almost every other day, it was a lot and unexpected. Until he decided to vanish to follow his orders like a dog. Not seeing each other for months until today, 1st of September.

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